Vol 3 Chapter 6 (1/2)


at 21st of October 2019 11:09:03 AM

Chapter 6

”Oi, looks like the newbies are arriving . Hey kid! Turn around!”

Micheal's eyes twitched as he heard a rough voice call out at him, demanding his attention .

He turned around smoothly, his eyes calm as he looked across the roof of the skysc.r.a.per .

The roof was flat with a small, about 1 meter large raised grey wall that matched the color of the floor . A small doorway and shed could be seen near the opposite side of the roof, leading down inside the skysc.r.a.per .

'We can only safely access the upper levels of the building, though . ' He thought, the memories flas.h.i.+ng back into him .

The closer one got to the ground, the more danger they would be in, though it wasn't like the roofs were safe either . The main threat on the World of Endless Skysc.r.a.pers could be found almost anywhere .

The Morenkai .

”Hey, I said h.e.l.lo . Are you an idiot?” Micheal snapped out of his memories as he looked back up, staring at the speaker .

A trio of figures could be seen, languidly resting in lawn chairs that were set down right next to the door into the skysc.r.a.per . All three were men, wearing loose-fitting jeans and plaid s.h.i.+rts . Two of the men had rather forgettable faces, with short brown hair, broken noses, and plain brown eyes .

The last one was the speaker, a man with bright blonde hair and a huge tattoo of an 'X' across his forehead . All three were white .

Micheal stared at them, his memories stirring once more .

It had been more than 10 years since he was last in this world and had met these people . So much had happened since then that minor events or characters gradually faded to the background .

Despite that, Micheal could remember what happened here clearly .

He had arrived as a total newbie . After looking over the Shop list, he ended up choosing the 'Enhanced Strength' Ability alongside the 'Enhanced Recovery' Ability due to their powerful sounding names and the fact that he could afford them . The Abilities were useful, it was true, boosting his Strength and Recovery stats by 30% .

However, due to his rather normal Strength in the first place, the increase in power was incremental . He went from a Strength stat of 11 to a Strength stat of 14 . Still well within the limits of an above average human . The same applied for his Recovery .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntMicheal's current Strength stat of 22 put him well above the average and close to the maximum limit of a normal human, while his Recovery stat was slightly upped . In addition, his Endurance had been boosted by quite a decent amount . Plus he had a Spatial Ring, a strong blade within it, and the Ki Cultivator and Life Orb Master Abilities .

His starting point this time around was so far above what he had started at last time, Micheal didn't even want to think about it .

”Sorry about that . Can I help you?” Micheal stepped forward with a friendly smile while he looked over his stats and physique, confirming everything was normal .

”This is- uh- yes . Newbie . Ahem . I am Daniel . ” The speaker, the man with an 'X' scribbled on his head, stuttered as he named himself, looking at Micheal in confusion .

Usually, the new Chosen would be scared or fearful, from what Daniel could remember . After all, who wouldn't be? This entire situation was a terrifying one . This was his first time greeting the newbies, so it couldn't really be helped that he was taken aback by Micheal's odd response .

”Micheal . A pleasure . ” Micheal waved at him, starting to recall everything . His eyes darted to the left and right as he looked around at nearby skysc.r.a.pers . He could make out figures moving on other roofs, the area not at all abandoned .

”I am a member of the group that watches over this part of the Lower Section, the Saru Group . If you wouldn't mind waiting for the rest of your group to arrive, I will give a speech and explain everything then . ” Daniel said, crossing his arms as if he dared Micheal to talk back .

Despite his brutish demeanor, Micheal could vaguely recall that Daniel wasn't actually a bad sort . He just had a harsh personality .

”Sure, I don't mind . ” He didn't . As he spoke aloud, he tapped the ring on his finger, bringing out the Steelborn Sword .


”Hold on!”

”He's got a sword!”

Instantly all three men reacted, going on guard as they looked at Micheal warily . The two similar looking men sprouted brown fur along their hands and neck, gaining a ferocious aura, while Daniel, the leader of the group, gained a metallic sheen to the color of his skin .

'Two Lesser Werewolf Types and a Steel Body Type . All three are Adapted Humans, huh?' Micheal remembered some vague details of what happened here, but the minutiae was lost to him . It had simply been too long . Far too much had happened over the past 10 years for him to clearly remember everything minor .

”Oh, sorry! I'm just practicing some sword techniques my sensei taught me . I didn't mean to worry you! I'm still going to wait here for the others!” Micheal waved his hands to calm them down, apologizing .

At the same time, he gave off an air of danger and readiness, making it very clear that he was not someone to be bothered . The display of his weapon wasn't carelessness, but rather, absolute confidence .

”A f.u.c.king Irregular…”

”d.a.m.n . ”

”Captain Bola will be happy…”

The trio stared back at Micheal, slowly calming down as they accepted his explanation . At the same time, Micheal heard what they muttered, smiling slightly .

Irregulars . The name people gave for anyone that started with a huge amount of Points or were otherwise strong from the start .

'I certainly wasn't an Irregular the first time around . ' He thought, his smile turning rueful . Still, he certainly qualified as one now . If he displayed a high level of strength at the start, he would attract some attention from the higherups here, which was exactly what he wanted .

'My plans will only work if I can convince a large number of people . ' He nodded his head .