23 Participan (1/2)

Eric and his group submitted their completed project to their instructor. It includes both the magic structure and the finished product.

”You guys have completed it?”

Elaine was surprised upon learning that they have completely resolve the issue. Her beautiful face expressed astonishment as her eyes grew wide.

After all, the student's project only requires them to provide a path for future discovery. It would be fine if they could just provide a theory for development.

She looked at a suitcase containing the parts of the armor tech and checked the tablet device containing information about the newly created magic structure and it's capability.

In the information given, it included the results of improvements on the armor tech they're developing. Not only the operation time was resolved, but also enhanced it's others aspects as well.

Elaine could just imagine how much amazing this new magic structure that their group developed.

”Yes, all thanks to Wallace. At most, we provided the special materials required to prove his theories. In the end, he was able to complete the design of magic structure.”

It was Mei who first explained what happened.

”That's true... and it seems that he actually hadn't plan to complete the structure at all and just to provide a path for development. But he maybe got engrossed too much.”

Eric agreed with Mei as he voiced his opinion. You could hear a hint of amusement as he speak and gratitude on what had Wallace accomplished for them as well.

”Since this is actually created by Wallace, we've already advised him to get a patent for this new magic structure and he instead advised us about his plan for this revolutionary magic structure.”

”Correct. When we told him that, he said he will discuss it further with the headmaster about his future plans.”

Neo said last as he joined the conversation.

”That's good to hear. This magic structure seems to be much more amazing than what he previously made.”

Elaine softly muttered the second part as he further questioned her students.

”What did Wallace or you guys named on this new structure?”

Everyone looked at each other before answering.

”He called it Compact Mananuclear Reactor.”


Wallace was carefully considering his thoughts as he planned to gift this bracelet to someone for a trial.

Honestly, Wallace was not sure if his decision to gift this bracelet is a correct one. Only time will know.

At the very least, once he could confirm it as soon as possible, he will be able to plan ahead for the future in case necessary. Also, this bracelet is weaker version of his necklace right now.

Wallace was soon summoned at the headmaster's office.

”It seems Eric and his group already completed their report.”

Wallace said after his instructor Garen told him at the end of his morning class. Apparently, he had not been prudent about this so everyone in the class was now aware of his meeting with the headmaster.

It's not common to be in always contact with headmaster or even instructors of higher year. So Gilbert made his conjecture.

”Wallace my friend, are you going to be accelerated now? Will you be joining the 3rd years and graduate with them this academic year?”

His voice was loud as he asked this seriously since he had been aware about Wallace's activities in the recent week. He was with a group of seniors every afternoon doing a project with them.

”What are you saying? I was just helping them.”

You? A second year? Helping our seniors?

They did not say it loud but his classmate's faces shows what's in their mind.

”Alright, I'll see you later.”


Wallace was now nearing the headmaster's office as he walk on the hallway. But he was stopped by the most beautiful instructor of the academy and striked a conversation at him.

”Congratulations Wallace! It seems that you will be joining as participant in the coming competition. Keep it up.”

Elaine, with a genuine smile on her face greeted Wallace. It seems that she was really happy for him.