90 Ark Projec (1/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 40410K 2022-07-21

The disappearance of four psychoframes in the war at Tirania was fatal. The mass production process for the second generation psychoframes still has a ways to go. Even if they were to find a way to fund the immense budget, it would be difficult to increase their overall military strength by leaps and bounds within such a short period of time.

”The best and worst news is that a dragon appeared once again.” The Chief of Staff, Alexander Lekor said.

”The majority of the Arab leaders announced their participation in the Ark Project.”

Another executive projected a hologram map. The majority of the nations and countries that didn't originally take part in the Ark Project, publicly announced the decision to participate. The Chief of Staff, Alexander didn't look happy.

”They're so quick to join us only after the appearance of a dragon.”

The budget for the Ark Project was massive. The countries and nations who didn't join the Ark Project had their own psychic facilities and institutions. Nations were not considered on the side of the True Group just because they didn't want to take part in the Ark Project.

'Even if they were on the True Group's side in reality, now that they know that dragons will truly invade once again, their conspiracy theories would be proven false and people would stop converting to the True Group's side. The immediate problem now was survival, afterall.'

The True Groups position within society would have fallen a great deal with this new turn of events. Ark already broadcasted the video clips of the dragon all over the world. The nations who split, held hands once again with the appearance of their worst enemy, the dragon. The countries who felt the danger, quickly moved their government leaders to a safer place.

”The eighth dragon, Bahamut, was different from the dragons that invaded Earth all this time.” The researchers said. Alexander nodded at their words.

”Bahamut… is the last creature of the century? His decided name is quite grand.”

”According to a soldier on site, Bahamut had spoken to them. It used telepathy to communicate its words.”

”It's not an auditory hallucination?”

”We've taken that possibility into consideration. The soldier in question, is a third year and his name is Han. He was one of the closest to the dragon during the battle. Han was able to overcome the dragon fear the fastest amongst everyone on site. He should have been the most mentally intact amongst everyone there.”

”As predicted, the second generation youth have a stronger resistance.”

It had only been an assumption, but now they were confident.

”Theoretically, the soldiers should overcome dragon fear according to their overall psychic strength, however in Han's case he's the most mentally mature amongst the youth his age.

”Is that so.” Alexander held his chin while reading the report. The third year, Han, was frequently mentioned during their meetings. He was a unique case and special youth.

When the researcher finished reporting, the Management Information Officer stood up to speak.

”We're unable to track any significant minion movements around the world. A majority of the minions already died during the battle in Tirania.”

”That's good news. It seems like our soldiers can rest for a short period.”

The Battle of Tirania had also been a huge risk on the minion's side as well.  They gathered the remnant minions and attempted to open the dimensional gate. Ark and the Alliance blocked their attempt. It would be very difficult for the minions to resume their plans so quickly.

Chief of Staff, Alexander, went through today's agenda in order. The commander cannot make these public meetings often, so Alexander is the one to take care of most of the business that deals with the public. He was second in command, so Alexander was pretty much no different than the commander of Ark.

”Shall we end our meeting here for today?” Alexander scanned all around the room. A researcher in the development team at the corner moved. It was Chief Engineer Siegfried Schumacher of the the third engineering team, but nobody referred to him in this manner. He was a bald man who resembled an octopus, thus most referred to him as Octo.

”Octo?” Alexander leaned himself forward.

Octo wasn't a man to speak much in these conferences. He was an engineer through and through, and had absolutely zero interest in anything related to politics, thus he rarely ever had much interest. Alexander found this new turn of events greatly interesting.

”I wish for you to consider another issue for me.”

”What is it?”

”Please officially transfer the second generation prototype of Team One to Team Three.”

Upon his words, the chief of Team One, Charlie Smith shouted in anger. Charlie was a rough manly old man. It seems this had not been discussed or agreed upon by the two parties ahead of time.

”Quiet! Let him finish speaking.” Alexander shouted. Octo didn't even spare a glance to Charlie Smith of Team One.

”The prototype psychoframe is capable of fully booting up.” Upon Octo's words, the old man, Smith shouted at the top of his lungs. The vein of his forehead pulsed.

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