78 Predator 5 (1/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 36620K 2022-07-21

Schwartz broke the computer and took out the harddrive. He connected the hard drive to his data bracelet and copied its contents. He repeated this process many times.

”Zhai, everything is written in Chinese. Come help to look through some of the data here.”

Corporal Zhai nodded and stood next to Schwartz. They filtered out everything so that only video clips would appear on the screen. Zhai raised his hand to stop the search for a moment.

”Play that one.”

Corporal Zhai pointed to a single file. Schwartz projected the clip with his data bracelet.

It projected complete darkness. Soon, the lights flipped on showing a single Elu. There were many electrodes hooked all over the Elu's body. The researchers watched the Elu behind a glass window.

”As expected…”

They were experimenting on the Elu here. The researchers were examining the Elu like a monkey for its skills and intelligence. It seems the researchers operated on the Elu many times as scars of past stitches and fresh stitches could be seen on the Elu's skull.

”This research had not been reported to Ark at all. They never reported that they had even captured a live Elu either.”

Originally, all research and data related to psychic energy or minions must be reported and shared with the Ark institution. However, this clause was only spoken. The nations who allied with the Ark all held their own secret psychic research centers. It's just that it had never been found yet.

”It seems they were trying to train it to be used like a military weapon.”

The Elu lived every day with experiments and various types of surgeries. Its eyes eventually became red, and gradually its temper skewed worse and worse. At the same time, its psychic skills proportionally grew stronger.

The last portion of the clip didn't play, but Squad Victor already understood the situation here.

”The Elu grew so strong that the researchers could not handle it, and this happened.”

”They probably wanted to borrow Ark's strength then obtain the data before anyone could find out. Anyway, they wouldn't let us leave quietly either way.”

China would probably gladly obtain some of Ark's enmity and kill all of Squad Victor to bury all of this. China was one of the main powerhouses of the world. Ark heavily depended on their monetary aid.

'And again… humans are creating another war with themselves.'

Han felt sick to his stomach. Humans were all preparing in their own ways before the beginning of the great war. However, internally they still had trouble believing in each other.

The powerhouses all maintained their strongholds separately. Inspector Rue said this was the nature of humans. No matter how much history is studied and no matter how much humans try to fix themselves onto the proper path, they will always stray. They cannot believe in one another and continue to feel jealousy.

”Horrible scum.” Corporal Zhai cursed. As a Chinese himself, he felt even more bitter to see this occurring. Fury burned from his eyes.

”We need to get the generator running again. Calm down, Zhai.” Schwartz commanded with calmness. He was also a very emotional person, but as long as he was the squad leader, he had to carry himself with rationality and reason.

Most importantly, one of his squad members was a new third year youth. Protecting Han was amongst one of his most important tasks assigned to him on top of this mission.

Han's condition looked many degrees better now. He held his gun and followed after his squad. The squad moved to the emergency power room with great haste. By now, the sound of the Elu's laughter couldn't even be heard in the distance.

'There are no signs of the Elu since the research room. Even its laughing stopped.'

Han whispered to Schwartz.

”I think the Elu will open an attack soon.”

”It's oddly quiet…” Schwartz slowed down the squad's pace and made everyone increase their guard.


The squad's steps stopped at the corridor intersection. Everyone's breath stopped. They stood with their backs to one another and watched across a corridor each.

”It's at the 6 o'clock direction.” Corporal Zhai said. A set of red eyes glowed from their 6'o clock direction. Herald and Zhai simultaneously shot their guns.

Tik! Tik!

It was the sound of the bullet bouncing off.

'It's using a psychic shield.'

As predicted, the Elu could manifest a psychic shield. It didn't completely surround itself with the shield, but only the front. It was enough for a narrow corridor such as this. This was the main reason the special forces utterly failed to kill it.

”I'm going. Bring it on. It seems you don't intend to escape this time.” Schwartz unsheathed his dragon bone sword. He stretched his shoulders to warm up his arm.


The sword scratched the wall and seemed to scream. The sword which absorbed psychic energy glowed with blue light. Psychic shields could only be nullified by a psychic sword. This was the main tactic to break through a psychic shield without completely depleting one's psychic energy dry.

This was the same method they used to exterminate dragons. Before psykers were supplied with dragon bone swords, they battled dragons by implementing suicide attacks where psykers would make their own psychic energy source explode.

”I'll let you die a painful death.” Schwartz let go of his rationality and freed his true spirit. His sword gleamed with murderous intent behind every attack.

Han took his spear and stepped forward to join the battle, but Corporal Zhai blocked his path.

”Schwartz is enough.”