75 Predator 2 (1/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 32540K 2022-07-21

”So you're one of Ark's youths.” A researcher gowned in a white lab coat approached him.


”Is the weapon on your back one of the weapons made of dragon bone powder?” The researcher approached Han and attempted to touch the spear he wore on his back. The researcher's hand lightly patted his shoulder. Han swiftly blocked the researcher's hand.

”It's not a good idea to touch it.” Han said coldly.

”So fussy.” The researcher complained while walking away. A few other researchers who stood far away were also staring at Han. They looked at him like they were observing an animal in the zoo. Their stares irritated Han. He purposely avoided meeting their eyes.

”Did you wait long, Chan?”

”You're calling me like that on purpose, right?”

Schwartz ignored Han's words and gathered the squad. He got a rundown of what basically happened here from the Chinese soldiers and researchers.

”There is one enemy Elu. It's been confirmed that it can manifest a psychic shield. Our objective is to confirm the researcher's data and search for possible survivors. It's highly likely there are some stragglers among the researchers and staff that had not been able to escape the place. We will deploy in 20 minutes.”

”Do we need to kill the enemy?”

”It will be fine to ignore it if we don't encounter it. If we confirm that there are no more survivors, we will leave and bomb the building.”

Schwartz displayed a map of the research center. Han saved the overall map into his mind. He drew the fastest route in his mind. His squad members were also doing the same and contemplating the best route through the building.

After finishing the final preparation, Squad Victor took the elevator to reach the lower floors. The lower they dropped, the more suffocating the air became.

”I'll leave first.”

Schwarts took the initiative to lead the squad. Everyone left the elevator in order as they surveyed the surroundings.

The squad members who had just been joking around, looked serious. The squad swiftly checked the area, and confirmed a 'Clear!'


The basement ventilator spun. Han confirmed everyone's observation and nodded.

'Something is strange.'

Since a while ago, Han felt that something felt off. His other squad members also felt the same way. It was as if a single piece of the puzzle was missing.

”Let's go down to the lower second level.”

The squad descended down through the emergency stairs. They silently walked down. As long as they weren't seen, they could walk behind someone unnoticed.

”It smells.” Han mumbled. The other squad members noticed it as well. Everyone knew what this smell signified in an instant.

'The stink of blood.'

Schwartz grasped the door handle and slowly opened it. The moment the door opened, he pointed his gun forward. The squad's bodies were ever so slightly tensed and shaking from nerves. Many corpses hung on the ceiling of the level two corridor.

The corpses were skinned and the blood was drizzling down from the ceiling like rain. The place resembled a pig slaughterhouse. There were pools of blood all over the floor, and the blood dripped down in regular intervals from the ceiling.

”This, this, is terrible.”

Private Herald mumbled. The squad didn't become overly agitated from the sight. Rather, they looked to Han with worry.

”I'm fine.”

It was the first time Han felt this way. Han was always the one to calm his peers' panicked state. Han had always been the pillar of support when people fell into panic during his second year. The second years never thought that Han, himself, would ever succumb to panic.

'The Elu is a sadist.' Han looked to Schwartz.

”It's highly likely to be an Elu hunter.”

Schwartz agreed with Han. Elu hunters were one of the most cruel amongst all the Elu types. They enjoyed hunting, and kept trophies of their kills.

A majority of them would wear the body parts as accessories.