70 Third Year 3 (2/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 36710K 2022-07-21

'The maximum power output was as I predicted. It's the worst possible result. His basic psychic power is low so he could only manifest the same amount.'

Octo didn't say this out loud. Although he was an engineer, he understood that a majority of the psychic power depended strongly on personal mental strength.

'Though… his maximum strength is a record low, there is some hope. There is a huge margin between his lowest and maximum strength which means he has superior control of his psychic energy. If others could only fine control their psychoframe to a stage ten, this brat can fine control up to stage twenty. Taking into account that this is his first time piloting a psychoframe, his fine control ability is probably much higher.'

Octo watched the moving graph on the monitor while locked in his own thoughts. He requested for Han to run and jump. The movements became harsher as time went on.

'This brat's very good at balancing his psychic stamina for long term use.'

Psychic stamina was an engineer's worst enemy. He is manifesting the maximum output with the minimum required psychic strength.

'He easily passed the predicted pilot time. Usual amateur pilots would only be able to pilot for a maximum of ten minutes, but he's been piloting it for almost twenty minutes now.'

A huge smile spread upon Octo's greasy face. He let Han freely pilot the psychoframe for the remaining period of time. Han freely piloted his psychoframe. He wasn't yet accustomed to it, and clumsily tumbled around many times.

”Twenty two minutes and seven seconds. Not bad.”

Octo opened a bag of marshmallows and poured it into his mouth.

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”Haaa, haa.”

Han looked pale from exhaustion. The psychoframe no longer responded to his commands. Han had completely spent his psychic energy.

'This is the first time I've felt like this.'

Han had completely spent all of the psychic energy he could manifest. He didn't have superior psychic skills at all, so he needed to continuously and objectively calculate as he battled.

Psychic strength strongly correlated to mental strength. The mind would blank out and cease to function as well without enough psychic energy. It was his first time intentionally wringing out all the psychic energy from his body. He felt that his psychic level was dropping dangerously low after the ten minute mark.

Silence brought up a water bottle to Han's lips. Han chugged the water down.

Cough, cough.

Han cleared his throat loudly. Octo and the engineers at their computer looked to Han.

”Oh oops, sorry. We'll get the gears off quickly. The data you've given us was too intriguing.”

Octo chuckled as he got out his tools. Octo and the engineers expertly removed the securing devices and unscrewed the various parts.

Han difficultly removed the psychoframe with the help of others.

”This is quite tiring.”

Han faltered so Octo helped to support him. All the muscles of his body were screaming. It had been a mere twenty minutes, but Han's mind and physical body had been overworked.

”You're going through the adjustment period. You've used a lot of muscles you're not used to using. The second generation psychoframes are much easier to pilot. We've built this in case of extended military operations as well.”

Han sat down on a chair while listening to Octo. There were about fifty psykers in third year while there was a limited supply of dragon material and psychoframes. Han leaned his head back and spoke.

”So there is a limit to how many people can use psychoframes at any one time.”

”The current number of second generation psychoframes is eighty in total. This used to be top secret, but now everyone is aware of this fact.”

Han wiped his sweat to cool down his overheated body. He slowly and carefully contemplated all the details. His rusted and tired mind gradually returned to normal like it was well oiled.

”Psychoframe pilots are selected amongst third years…”

”Well, that's very close.”

Octo said flatly and returned Oldman into the hangar. He belonged to the technical department and didn't care much about the institution side of Ark.

”I'll be on my way then,” Han said after resting for a period of time.

”Return again soon. We haven't collected enough data from you yet.”

Octo hollered to Han who was already on his way. His greasy bald head seemed to shine.

Han was able to visit most of the third year departments with the help of Silence's guidance within two days. Silence was dispatched on the third day, and so Han was left alone.