65 Invasion 4 (2/2)
Step, step.
Footsteps sounded from behind Squad Zero. Han leered to the side and aimed his gun. Canute stood at the place Han aimed.
Canute, who had suffered many gunshot wounds was walking, like he was perfectly fine. Canute reaffirmed the current situation.
”I know it's kind of awkward to say this now, but I think I just obtained my unique skill.”
Canute pointed to his leg. All his gunshot wounds were gone.
”Healing factor. What a fitting unique skill for you.”
Simon mumbled. Canute was famous for frequenting the hospital the most amongst the second years.
Canute's unique skill, healing factor, had inhumanely fast regeneration abilities and had already been classed. The regeneration speed varied, but penetrating wounds healed almost instantaneously.
”If my judgement is correct, you guys need me right now.”
Canute said. He was going to take Han's place and crawl through the air vent. He had a healing skill, and something like a gunshot wound was nothing to fear. He would feel the pain just the same, but he could endure that much. Anyway, this method would be better than seeing Han die.
”I'll leave it to you, Canute.”
Canute quickly reconfirmed the battle plan and opened the air vent cover. He placed his foot into the vent, ducked down, and crawled. The gun on his hips shook and clattered.
'I wonder if I obtained this unique skill because I wished for it so earnestly.'
Canute thought while crawling through the stuffy air vent. When he was left behind due to his injuries, he wished to rejoint them.
He had always been injured the quickest before the end of the battle. He didn't wish to be left behind any longer.
He didn't care about how many injuries he would suffer, he just needed a skill which would give him the power to go on. His psychic powers seemed to have listened to his desire and evolved.
'On the other hand, my telekinesis skills became drastically weaker.'
When unique skills awaken, it's common to lose control of any existing telekinetic skills. It seems the psychic energy circuit becomes split into two. If one's telekinesis was at one hundred percent power, then after awakening one's unique skills, their telekinesis would fall to around 70-80%.
Kuro's psychic power level is so great that even if his telekinesis strength fell to 80%, he could still easily overpower others. Canute, on the other hand, didn't have a particularly outstanding level of psychic power.
The air vent shook. The soldiers who noticed the sound perked up their ears. They shot their guns toward the air vent that made noise.
The air vent became riddled with bullet holes. Canute muffled his mouth with his hand. A bullet shot through his side. He felt the stinging pain, at the same time, his healing factor reacted immediately. His eyes glowed green light. This was proof that his body was undergoing rapid regeneration.
”Hey, stop shooting in weird places and shoot at those other guys!”
”They don't want to jump out from their hiding spot.”
”Then buy us some time. We'll be able to open the door soon. They'll come out once we kill all the children!”
The soldiers chatted amongst themselves. The soldier with the welding machine hastened to open the door upon his superior's command.
Canute continued forward. The air vent shook more noticeably as he crawled forward. The soldiers all peered over to the shaking air vent.
”They're in the air vent! He's trying to reach the other side!”
Squad Zero did their best to keep the guards at the security door occupied to distract them from Canute. They shot their gun until they used all their bullets.
”Run! Canute!
Han radioed. Canute straightened his bent knee and increased his speed. The air vent moved in huge waves.
”Blow it up!”
One of the soldiers readied his automatic shotgun. The shotgun shot to break apart the air vent.
One of the soldiers readied his automatic shotgun. The shotgun shot to break apart the air vent.
The shotgun blasted in succession causing the air vent to sink lower. Canute faltered forward at a place where the enemies immediately noticed.
”Die, monster!”
Canute's eyes grew wide. All the guns were pointed at himself. It seemed like fireworks in his eyes. Dozens of bullets pierced through his body. The bullets ripped his body's flesh and muscles that the bones inside his body protruded out. His blood pooled on the floor.
Han peered outside and shouted. Simon grabbed Han's neck and pulled him back. A bullet flew past his nose.
The last door opened. The enemy soldiers continued shooting toward Squad Zero as they backed into the room.
Canute, whose body was shredded and horrid, struggled to move his fingers. It was gradual, but the flesh of his fingers started to regenerate. His eyes glowed as it reconstructed itself. Canute lifted his arm like a zombie and twitched his mouth with what muscles he could move. He could only mutter hoarsely in this incomplete state.
”Where are you going? Trash.”
Canute blindly fired with one hand. They were nearby that he could easily shoot his enemies by wildly firing his gun. Canute emptied his magazine, and reloaded another from his belt. Blood spurted from his mouth, but he didn't stop shooting.