52 Team Whisky 2 (2/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 35660K 2022-07-21

Han salute and exited the room. Han was able to extract a lot of information from this short meeting.

'Sergeant Red's goal was to obtain as much real life battle experience as possible for Simon and I. He added on many other small details, but the most important part of this operation is to acquire as much experience as possible. Silence has been added to this team to make up for our lacking battle strength.'

Silence has blink teleportation. This skill overpowers foes lacking intelligence. Werewolves will not even be able to put up a fight against Silence's blink ability as they're cut in two, one after another.

Han took a short nap during the remaining time period. He fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes, and then woke when his data bracelet alarm rang.


The plane engine booted. Unpleasant memories flashed in Han's mind upon seeing the plane. He remembered all the second years who had died from the plane explosion.

Han momentarily closed his eyes and focused his mind. He opened his eyes again and stepped onto the plane.

A black crow was painted on the corner of the hanger deck. This was one of the four high speed assault transport planes in existence. The cost to construct this plane had been astronomical, but the maintenance costs that exceeded the budget many times were what almost lead it to be junked. However, Ark travels worldwide on a daily basis so they had made a special exception. This plane is operated by Ark on an extremely strict budget. The other two are out on a military operation, and the remaining one is being repaired.

The pilot and control tower repeatedly exchanged radio messages throughout the flight. Squad Whisky took seats inside the plane, as Sergeant Red began the team briefing.

”Our military operation name is Catching the Wizard*. This squad will infiltrate the dimensional crack zone, suppress the Elu mage that had bombed the planes, and capture it alive. The chain of command is me, Han, Simon, and then Silence.”

Silence has excellent battle strength, but his communication skills are poor. It would be impossible for someone unable to talk to lead a squad. Han had been a squad leader during second year so it was natural that Han was second in command.

”We will drop around eight kilometers from our destination. Elu mages have various unique psychic skills, including being able to teleport. If it is not able to oppress us, it is likely to escape immediately by teleportation.”

As the plane flew higher, the atmosphere grew heavier. Simon and Han were not the type to initiate light jokes, and they were not friendly enough to bother chatting.

Ta-tap, Ta-tap.

-Don't be scared. Young brats (lol).

Silence typed out using his data bracelet. The text flashed on his helmet shield. Silence was a long time veteran of this field who had been deployed for countless military operations. He had remained in Ark as a student the longest out of everyone.

”There will definitely be Elu warriors guarding the Elu mage. If you wish for more information, you can read a more detailed report through your data bracelets.”

Han and Simon turned on the holograms of their data bracelets. Detailed information on the Elu mage and warriors popped u

Han had already read and memorized everything, but he read through it another time. Elu warriors had slightly less powerful psychic skills than the mages.

'Though they are of lower rank, they're as powerful as a strong psyker. Our only advantage is our advanced gear.'

The Elu tribe is speculated to be naturally talented at manipulating psychic energy since birth. The more powerful one is, the higher class they are ranked. Ark had differentiated the different ranks by specific names.

”We have arrived.”

The pilot said. The plane made a landing in a clearing amongst the dense jungle. The engine shook.

”The order will be Silence, Simon, and then Han. The direction orientation will be based on the plane tail at 12, 7, 3, and 6 o'clock. We will be in linear formation; the order will remain the same. Keep visuals of the front, right, left, and back.”

Silence opened the hatch and jumped off. He stood in position while keeping alert. Next, Sergeant Red followed him out. As ordered, the rest of the squad stepped out. After everyone got out, the plane departed. Hot air blew past the squad who were well hidden.

-Best luck to you, Whisky-1.

With that last message, the plane disappeared.