39 Squad Leader, Han Lee 8 (2/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 34660K 2022-07-21

Squad 13's main weakness was that they only had four members. Squads with many members had over twenty members.

”I already knew people would request to come into our crew around this time. They're probably mostly those who are reserve members. They're not able to participate in the squad battles in their own squads, but in a squad like us with little members they can immediately participate in the battles. Additionally, we have been on a roll with consecutive wins.”

Everyone's opinion of squad 13 had gone up drastically. Talent was rampant in Ark. As soon as squad 13 raised their reputation, the way the other students viewed them had changed. On the contrary, squad 7 who could not properly utilize such talents was reprimanded.

”Hey, squad 13!”

He ran into Squad 5, Dimitri, just outside the shower facility. Dimitri waved his giant hands.

”Dimitri, the shower facility is empty. Go wash before the other squads get here.”

”I watched your victory streak well. You're good. I should have joined you in squad 13. Haha.”

Dimitri said cheerful empty words. He was now squad 5's leader. The previous leader had transferred to year 3. He was leading squad 5 well with his manly leadership abilities.

Han noticed that Dimitri's body was covered in bruises.

”Did you go tumbling down the stairs? You're a mess.”

”I picked a fight with our previous squad leader before he would be transferred to the third year to see who was stronger.”

”I must have been a hearty fight.”

”Nope, I got done in without a chance. Third year transfers are really strong. They're on a different level. I got plainly beat.”

Han and Kuro was surprised by Dimitri's optimistic words. Dimitri had a strong competitive spirit. He wasn't one to admit to a loss easily.

'If Dimitri speaks this way, it must be so.'

Han had already noticed this of the third years. He read through the third year training curriculum carefully. In his opinion, second years already go through enough training drills. There wasn't much need to make third years continue these military training drills.

'Third years would be incorporated into real battles out in the world. It wasn't training, but real battle. The first and second years use most of Ark's practice and training facilities. The facilities for the third years were greatly lacking in comparison.

Han became lost in his own thoughts. The third years were existences hidden behind a veil. He had rarely come across them, becase they had no form of exchange at all.

”The tasks for squad 13 comes first. Let's think about this later.”

Han erased all thoughts of the third years from his mind. He returned to his dorms and looked through the data for the new transfer requests.

'I'm not surprised to see there are not any outstanding individuals. But there's no reasons to disqualify them…. There is one Korean.'

The next day, squad 13 welcomed the 6 new members. They had arrived with their luggage to squad 13's dorms. They introduced one another in front of the dorms and exchanged their data bracelet IDs.

”Let's work hard, squad leader.”

”The squad battles had left a deep impression for me. You're great.”

With new members, the dorm became crowded. When they were only four, it had remained quiet. But with ten, it was now noisy with chatter. They also received twice the amount of supplies.

”Hmm, welcome to squad 13.”

Han said awkwardly. This felt different than when he was the class leader. He was the one to create squad 13.

Additionally, all the members of his squad had joined with their own free will. The sense of responsibility he felt for everyone felt heavy.

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”You are all probably aware, but we are a new squad. We have not been challenged in many ways. Within one week, we will select your specialty field through various training drills. I've seen your data, but I'm sure the reality will be different. Afterwards, I will separate everyone into groups and hand out roles. Does anyone have objections?”

The gathered squad observed one another. Everyone remained quiet. Han dismissed everyone. The squad members scattered to finish their own tasks.