17 Steal the Flag (2/2)
The gymnasium floor flipped over. The floor had become a battle ground.
In order for students to apply effective war strategies, it had many complicated roads and shelters scattered all throughout the grounds. On opposite sides of the battlegrounds stood a single flag pole.
”Change into your battle uniforms. Carry it out!”
Segreant Wei pointed to several boxes in the corner.
”Yes sir!”
The students answered. Each box had a student's name written. Each uniform was tailored to their exact fit, and the mock battle uniforms were created to be heavier than usual.
Tiny sensors were scattered all throughout the battle uniforms. Based on where the students would receive the attack, it would calculate the impact and injury level.
”When the system calculates your death, it will send an electric shock through your body and change your uniform color to black. Following your death, you're to remain on the floor until the end of the mock battle.”
drill instructor Wei explained the rules.
The students looked agitated with excitement. Most of the students here loved war games.
”Also, Kuro, you're excluded from the mock battle. Instead, you will be transferred to class A. Your telekinesis skills have surpassed the stage of expert and you're able to give your opponent a critical blow. Your strength is too great and will cause an imbalance in strength between the two teams.”
The news came abruptly. Following the survival drill, Kuro's rank had far surpassed those from class B.
Kuro had reached the level of class A students. Everyone had already predicted this outcome, but it was much faster than expected.
”Am I the only one… to be transferred to class A?”
The most surprised was Kuro. He briefly looked to Han and Jose. He felt nervous being transferred alone.
”Kuro, you will do well. I'll follow after you in no time. Wait for me.”
Han said. Kuro nodded and returned to the student dormitories.
By the time class B would be done with today's drill, Kuro would probably be finished moving to the class A dormitories.
”If your uniform is red, you're in the East army. If your uniform is blue, you're in the West army. You will not be designated to any one team, your uniform colors will change depending on the day. Depending on whether your team wins or loses, your personal grades will be affected. We will not allow any students to shirk basic teamwork for the sake of personal grades. That's all.”
Han and Jose were both in the red army. Class B was equally divided between the East and West army.
Each side had fifteen minutes to prepare war tactics for the mock battle. The youths all looked at the holograms of their data bracelets to examine the battlegrounds of the mock battle.
”There are three main routes: top, middle, and bottom. In between the main routes, there are two rocky terrain zones. It's possible to detour into a different route through the rocky terrain. There is a stamina penalty when inside the rocky terrain zones; therefore, people are prone to being killed once found in these areas. Students are not allowed to carry heavy equipment in these locations– only small and light equipments. We should send students with nimble bodies into these zones. These zones will become a ranger's best friend.”
Han explained. Han's grades were the best in not just weapon arts, but all other military-related classes. Naturally, he became the squad leader to command the team.
”Should rangers be responsible for capturing the flag?”
”The rest of you will preserve your stamina and remain on standby throughout the three main routes. If need be, you should prepare to offer aid for rangers in the rocky terrain. Once we capture the enemy's flag, the troops stationed throughout the three routes will be responsible for interfering with the enemy. Until then, you will be stationed to defend our home ground. This will be the defender's main responsibilities. Rangers are to be the main attack force, while the defenders will help interfere with any enemy attacks. As the East army, rangers will do their utmost to capture the flag as fast as possible and return to home base while the defenders will be responsible for interfering with all incoming attacks aimed at our rangers.”