15 Survival Training 4 (2/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 54230K 2022-07-21

They decided the order for the nightwatch and comfortably fell asleep. If the three of them stuck together, the remaining 4 days could be passed with success.

On the fourth day of the deserted island survival drill, Han's team couldn't eat to their fill, but they continued to consume consistent amount of protein so getting by everyday wasn't so bad.

Kuro used his psychic powers to catch about four to six fishes a day. Shared among the three youths, it was plenty to stave off hunger.


Kuro stood atop of a boulder and used his psychic powers.

He used elaborate telekinetic techniques to trap the fish and raise it out. It was a rare scene among first years.

”Kuro, your condition today is very good.”

Han said.

This was Kuro's seventh fish today and he looked like he still had powers left to spare.

”I've grown used to it. I got another one.”

Kuro said and suddenly fished another one. He gained much confidence through this experience and his expression seemed much brighter than before.

”This much is enough for today. We finished here much faster than expected. Jose should be happy.”

Han's party all had their own role.

Han was in charge of guarding and refilling drinking water, Kuro fishing, and Jose was in charge of keeping up the camouflage of their hideout.

On their fourth day, the cave felt like home. It felt like they made a safe house for themselves.

'But I wonder how the other kids are fairing.'

Han understood the pain of starvation. The children who couldn't eat should be reaching their limits about now.

Theoretically, everyone should be able to survive without food for a week. But, in reality three days without food would bring intense pain through the entire body.


Kuro suddenly stopped in his tracks. Han looked on quizzically.


”I have a bad feeling.”

Kuro's expression darkened. Han felt an ominous feeling and hurried forward. He ran through the forest to return to the cave. He was completely out of breath when he returned.


The cave entrance's camouflage was broken down and messed up. He called out to Jose, but nobody answered back.

Han and Kuro walked inside. Jose was unconscious on the ground. The two could see evidence of the beating Jose had endured.

”They stole all our equipment,” Kuro said.

They didn't have a single water filter nor water jug. The parachute that had blocked out the wind had been torn to shreds.

Evidence of violence could be found all around the cave.


Jose moaned and opened his eyes. His swollen face appeared to be a complete mess.

”Damn, who was it? Tell us, Jose.”

Han who had been calm all these days, shouted.

Jose used the wall as support and stared out vacantly for awhile. Jose looked to be close to tears as his face drooped, looking to the ground.

”It's Karl's gang.”


”There were seven of them. They caused a havoc and left. They scavenged for our remaining food stock and left. They still don't know we've been eating fish. I scattered the fish scents. They stole our crackers and chocolate bars, but the outcome is satisfactory. We should move our hideout.”

Jose said reassuringly. He had been ruthlessly beaten, regardless of his injury, by Karl's gang.

”There's no reason they should have beaten you to this state though.”

Kuro said while looking over Jose's swollen face.

”Karl's gang hates me. I had rejected his offer to join his gang. Everyone in Karl's gang seemed to have much national pride being from Central Europe, they'd only discriminate against me. Karl hates Asians and blacks. After many clashes, I guess his temper finally blew up.”

Han's piercing gaze reflected a chilling madness.

He could understand having their food stolen. This had been the point of the survival drill. However, there was no reason for them to beat Jose to this degree.

This was unnecessary violence.

”We will be the ones to attack this time. Anyway, they have an upper hand in numbers so they won't go around trying to hide.”

Han said. Kuro and Jose's eyes grew wide in surprise.

”Just ignore them. They're just desperate for food. All we got to do is find a new hideout.” Jose tried to dissuade Han.

”Maybe that might be the case in this drill… but how about in the future? If we gloss over this event, they will look down on us. They will think of us as easy prey. It's game over when we let others look us down.”

This was Han's personal experiences in the past. Homeless orphan gangs also had a designated territory. They frequently fought to gain ownership of the richer neighborhoods.

”Han, no matter how good you are with your spear, they have seven people on their side. You're by yourself.”

Han shook his head. He grabbed Kuro's arm.

”I'm not alone. We have Kuro.”

Kuro fell into shock. Kuro had ranked last for fighting skills.

”M-me too? You're joking right?”

”Kuro, when are you going to stop people from walking all over you? Show them a thing or two this time around. You're stronger than anyone in class B. I guarantee it. Believe in yourself as much as you believe in me.”

Han's voice planted a sense of reassurance in the youths' hearts. This voice spoke with solid will and a clear heart.

”Just let it go, Han. Let the sleeping dogs lie.”

Jose continued to try and dissuade Han until the end.

”We've stayed together for only a short while on this deserted island. If I'm not mistaken, we've already become friends. Right?”

The youth's friendship had been tightly bound with this drill.

It had been a short few days, but the deserted island had been hard. Through the toil the seeds of their friendship had sprouted. They had become friends that could lean on one another for support.

”Amigo…” (friend)

Jose spoke in Spanish. Han grasped Jose's swollen face.

”I'm not such a nice guy to let my friend get beat up in front of me.”

Han carved a spear handle and refined it.

He dropped off Jose in their new hideout location and moved out together with Kuro to follow Karl's tracks.

”Kuro, your telekinesis is very strong. Plus, you can predict their next moves to a certain degree, right? Throw rocks at them with your telekinesis. Since you're able to pull out living fish from within the water, you should be able to do it.”


”I'll remain in the front to block out everyone who comes to attack you. I won't be able to do anything alone, but the two of us will be able to flatten Karl's gang flat.”

Han had already been accustomed to fighting even before learning weapon arts.

First fighting is required when your home is in the streets. Time to time, he had to face against adults as well. He already mastered recognizing all the vital points and using any cowardly means to his advantage.