8 Psychic children 8 (2/2)

Kill the Dragons iseuli 28300K 2022-07-21

”Don't fall asleep, Han.”


Sergeant Red kicked Han.

Han tumbled forward onto the ground. It had been a merciless kick. The small body of a child had flown through the air from the kick.

”Cough, Cough.”

Han heaved erratic, fatigued breaths.

”If you want to sleep, you can sleep as much as you want at home. Understood, you brats?”

Sergeant Red shouted ruthless curses. The sleepy children's eyes snapped awake once again.

Amongst the drill instructors in the Ark, Sergeant Red was one of the worst tempered. He never overlooked anything, he drove the students into the corner with his cruel nature.

He's been the most hated among students.

”I'm sorry.”

Han replied shortly and joined the group once again. He felt Sergeant Red's prickling glare from the back of his head.

The next training grounds were at the military gymnasium. Training dummies and equipment were hung around the wall.

”The next course will be weapon drills.”

A Caucasian drill instructor stood inside the gym. The badge on his chest had his name, Chen engraved onto it. He was a man with a stocky build.

”Drill Instructor Wei, these are today's transfers.”

Jose stood in attention and spoke. Instructor Wei nodded and took two of the weapons hanging on the wall.


Instructor Wei caused strong wind from just spinning his spear and sword. It looked showy like from the martial arts movies.

He easily proceeded to show an example of some moves and looked to the students.

”My name is Wei Chen. I'm a weapon martial arts specialist. I'm sure there are many here confused as to why we must learn to wield classic cold weapons when we have psychic powers. Cold weapons had disappeared from the war scenes since long ago, but the reason you must learn is because these will be your psychic gears.”

Instructor Wei projected his hologram bigger. Many weapons of ivory color were projected. It looked like swords made of bones of some sort.

”These are weapons made from dragon bones and fangs. No materials from Earth can harness psychic energies. However, dragon leather and bones will respond to psychic energies and even transmit psychic energies. Weapons created of dragons are fatal against dragons themselves. You will need to master these types of weapons so that you can use them like they're your second limb. Any questions?”

Instructor Wei was short and concise with this commands.

”How were dragons killed before these weapon were made?”

”That's a good question. The answer is hand-to-hand combat. In order to kill a single dragon, hundreds of psykers were sacrificed. Of course, the psykers back in the day were merely a little stronger than regular, common soldiers. Only a minority of psykers had the ability to give critical damage, the remaining psykers were used as meat shields. When the first dragon was killed about 500 psykers were sacrificed. When the second dragon was killed, 200. Upon the third dragon, 100. Only from the sacrifices of your seniors were we able to compile the data to kill the seventh dragon with only two casualties.”