Chapter 1689 (2/2)

As someone who was always on the lookout for a side job, Elijah Frank entered into a new line of business to continue to progress in his hobby: he learned to forge Citizenship papers. It turned out that there was a relatively high demand for such services. Within six months, he had enough money to found a small private firm dedicated to the production of civilian transport vehicles to launder his cash. To avoid paying tariffs on Kharon refined metals, he soon stuck his greedy hands into the business of smuggling valuables across the borders between Zones. When he sniffed out the interest for a similar service in Zone 7, Elijah went on a trip to schmooze and make connections.

Maybe two years after he arrived in Expira, no one knew who he was, but he was the most wanted man in the world. At least on paper, he was. After all, many of his biggest clients were the central figures in those governments that made a big show of hunting down the “King of Expira’s Underworld”.

In the end, he got sloppy and complacent with his commercial success with his skybikes. It all started with an ogre walking into East Providence, waving his forged Tier 3 Citizenship papers like a talisman. When he was detained and questioned, he described the fact that Elijah had arrived at their clandestine meeting riding his personal skybike.

Everything began to unravel after that. He was forced to flee the Zones and seek asylum in the Wandering City. All the connections he had made suddenly became unresponsive to his communications. His bank accounts, even the private ones, were found and confiscated by the governments. Everything he had gathered in the past six years vanished just as quickly as he had obtained it.

But his hasty flight wasn’t all bad; he kept his Skill Levels and a few of his favorite bikes. And honestly, Elijah liked Kharon. The independent nature of the city was exactly what he needed to screen the heat from the Zones.

The specter of the Ghosthound protected Kharon, even setting aside the significant influence the city possessed.

Utilizing that political clout was so tempting to Elijah that he interviewed for a position in the Order Ducis with his typical, winning smile in place. The beetleman had nodded at the end of their talk and told him, “Sure, you seem quite appropriate. You are free to join the Order Ducis recruitment camp; after six months, you will be eligible to apply for full membership.”

Elijah had honestly been a little thrown. His smile became a bit shakier. “But I’m… Elijah Frank.”

“Your name is on your application” was all the response he received.

But that was when Elijah realized the problem; although the Order Ducis was the smallest of the Orders, it was still a relatively influential Order that probably had a massive member count. Even if his typical skill with interviews had won over this Ajax, the beetle man probably didn’t have enough authority to make any decisions besides admitting him into the training camp. What Elijah needed was an individual who could make a sweeping executive decision regarding his peculiar case. Someone who would be only too happy to help a talented individual like Elijah.

And then he heard the rumor that Randidly Ghosthound himself was in Kharon. There were no individuals higher up on the food chain than him.

So Elijah rode his largest and most impressive skybike up toward the island of the Ghosthound, attempting to make a good impression. He hopped off the vehicle and looked around at the misty place. The Ghosthound himself was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a humanoid animal on his left and a lovely woman on his right.

Elijah ignored the growing sense of trepidation in his chest and smiled. There was something about the air that felt… suffocating, but he pushed through the feeling. “Greetings, Ghosthound! My name is Elijah Frank; I think I’d be a real asset to the Order Ducis, but your recruitment procedures are a real hassle. Can you make an exception and just let me in?”

Maybe should have worded it so I sound a little less desperate… Elijah winced a bit but still remained smiling. But he was only greeted by silence. Three pairs of eyes examined him.

Elijah wasn’t sure what he expected from this famous individual, but Randidly Ghosthound certainly lived up to the hype. He tilted his head to the side, regarding Elijah with obvious amusement. And unlike some of the other ‘powerful’ individuals that Elijah had met while smuggling different specialty items for the Senators of Zone 1, just standing before the Ghosthound was somewhat exhausting.

It wasn’t the air that was steadily tightening around his throat; simply being close to the Ghosthound was difficult.

He released a natural pressure the likes of which Elijah had never encountered before. He felt more like a horrifying monster than a man. Elijah could only lick his lips and reapply his smile to his face as the silence continued to stretch.

Finally, the humanoid animal next to the Ghosthound chuckled. “He thinks he’s a genius.”

The woman to the Ghosthound’s left toyed with her spear, eyeing Elijah the entire while.

Elijah resisted the urge to reach up and feel his face. What’s going on? He isn’t engaging with me at all… well, they say that the Ghosthound is something of a battle maniac… so the strong silent type…? He certainly is… rather muscular looking…

Elijah licked his lips again. “I’m very confident in my abilities. To demonstrate, I’m willing to engage in a spar, as long as I’m able to use my specialty skybike. I think that we-” Elijah looked at the heavy-eyed animal humanoid and hurried moved his gaze to the shapely woman playing with the spear. “Ahem. Perhaps it is appropriate for us two to engage in a spar so I can display my capability.”

The Ghosthound chuckled. “Well. I certainly admire your bravery. How about it, Helen? Do you think you are in the mood for a spar?”

The woman smiled. “As long as you are willing to make it up to me later when he doesn’t last long enough to satisfy me.”