Chapter 1680 (2/2)

Mr. Stanley’s frown grew in intensity. His heavy features ground into a new formation, like a time-lapse of a rock face being eroded by rainwater.

“-no, what I want is your understanding,” Tatiana concluded. She met the heavy eyes of this potential-filled man and didn’t flinch. “Your presence here is contingent on your ability to work Kharon’s spirit into your members. I’d like your most radical and innovative talent to be stationed here. Everyone the current upper management fears them due to their ambition… why not station them in Kharon?”

That earned a chuckle from Mr. Stanley. He eased his bulging suit backward and leaned against the cushioned chair. “Heh. So it seems that you’ve done your research into our internal situation.”

Tatiana smiled briefly. “The Order Ducis is a small toolbox, but each is particularly effective.”

Mr. Stanley unfolded his steepled fingers. “I believe Madam Mayor, that we can definitely come to an agreement..”


Delilah read the letter without much change in her expression. In the end, the news she had expected to hear was there, right at the beginning.

Hullo D,

Miss your mommy?

The Void Jungle Danger Zone has been a particularly thorny problem; who knew that alien lifeforms could have so many rules for harvesting their trees? I killed a couple, but wouldn’t you know it, that just ended up complicating things. So now we are in reconciliation talks and daddy and I can’t leave without deeply offending our hosts and completely salting away any chance of a peaceful resolution.

It’s a real prick in the ass, if you know what I mean. (Oh, and don’t tell daddy that you and I are swear buddies. You know how grumpy he gets.)

Anyway, I’ve sent a message to Vye to give you some spending money for the Kharon Academy Auction. Spend it all in one place if you want, you’re worth it. (And if you see anything daddy might like, maybe see if you can borrow some money from Vye. Our anniversary is coming up and I’m stuck in this horrid void forrest. And you know how shite I am at gift-giving.)

I love you, honey. When I get back, let’s go playing in the woods again, like we did when you were younger.


P.S. Take a closer look at the courier who delivered this letter.

By the end of her read through, Delilah had shivered and frowned. Shivered because her mother had the most sadistic idea of ‘playing’ that Delilah had ever encountered. Well, that wasn’t necessarily true. Even worse than her mother was Randidly Ghosthound, who had played hide and seek with her and left Delilah completely mortified. The man was truly more horrifying than monsters. Her mind still had those memories from her five-year-old self perfectly preserved.

And then that final line…

Delilah sprung off her bed and threw open the door to her room. There, sitting with Vye, was an individual in a heavy brown cloak. Without her impatience to read the letter blinding her, Delilah’s eyes widened in recognition. “Uncle T!!”

The vine-y, thorn-y incarnation of one of Randidly Ghosthound’s Soulseed stood and swept Delilah up into a hug. She was happy to note that he had become much more proficient at controlling the bloodsucking tips of his thorns, making the embrace seem entirely normal.

Delilah beamed at Thorn when he set her down. “What are you doing here? Are you staying for the Auction?!?!”

Thorn nodded its head. The fleshy pink and grey core that had split off from its main body was unable to speak, but it had learned Kharon Academy’s hand signals which it used now to communicate. But very quickly, Delilah went pale as she understood the meaning of its message.

Yes! Also, I plan on going to visit father while I’m here. Would you like to come to meet him?