Chapter 1583 (1/2)
In a place that was mainly defined by its stillness, a change occurred.
The meditating Nether Gatekeeper was rather surprised when the strange being above its head began to drop at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Although that being had rather rudely stared at the Nether Gatekeeper early in its arrival to this place, the Nether Gatekeeper was also clear that this being was not in its right mind. There was something mentally… deficient about the new arrival.
Even for a being of Aether, its behavior was unusual.
And, unlike the usual fools who came from above, that being was not immediately dragged downward by the inexorable current of significance. It clearly had some mastery of Nether. Since all those trapped down here were basically laboring under the same curse, the Nether Gatekeeper ultimately decided not to mind this strange being’s behavior.
Besides, that being had persisted in this place for nearly three years. Just for that accomplishment alone, the Nether Gatekeeper was willing to show some respect for it. Most arrivals who made it that long were here to stay; those that lacked conviction were quickly eliminated.
So the sudden descent was confusing. And as the Gatekeeper looked up at the approaching creature, it only grew more confused.
It seemed that the thing’s mental schism had worsened since last the Gatekeeper had checked its situation. At this point, most of its psyche appeared to be asleep within the body, while a remnant will utilized Nether to support both itself and the body. The Gatekeeper immediately assumed that this strange separation had gone too far and now it was weakening, but to its surprise, the Nether surrounding the remnant will was lively and thick.
Even thicker than the Gatekeeper’s own. This remnant will’s capability was somewhat frustrating.
The Gatekeeper’s expression shifted toward a frown as the remnant will slowed its descent speed with the body and very obviously approached the Gatekeeper. Did it… want to continue the study of its Nether Core? The Nether Gatekeeper considered this. It supposed that it was somewhat flattering to be an inspiration for the next generation, regardless of how unusual such an examination was.
Before the Nether Gatekeeper had decided exactly how he felt, the other arrived. Then, rather inanely, the remnant will smiled at it.
Greetings, The Nether Gatekeeper said awkwardly. It wondered when was the last time it had conversed with another.
The remnant will nodded cheerily in return and then began gesturing quickly. First to the body it supported, then to the Nether Gatekeeper, then to itself, and then upward. The remnant will flapped its hands, signaling freedom.
The Nether Gatekeeper’s frown deepened. You… want me to support this body while you journey out of this place? I refuse. Besides, do you take me for a fool? You need to be at the tier of a Nether Prince in order to resist this-
The remnant will offered the Nether Gatekeeper the body it was holding, as though indicating that it could demonstrate its ability if it simply wasn’t burdened by this anchor any longer. The Nether Gatekeeper hesitated and examined the remnant will’s state once more. Its expression remained cheery. And indeed, the Nether flowing around it was extremely potent. But even the Nether Gatekeeper, who had been born inside of this shaft and had never seen the might of a true Nether Prince, could tell the remnant will was incomplete.
There was no core, despite the will’s strength. And due to that absence, the Nether Gatekeeper felt a great deal of pity for the thing.
The guardians will not let you leave. The Nether Gatekeeper tried a different persuasion tactic. You might not have seen them in the past, but they are-
It couldn’t continue talking because it was frozen by the expression of pure, malicious anticipation that suddenly appeared on the remnant will’s face. That expression loudly broadcasted the will’s affection for the guardians. The Nether Gatekeeper suppressed a shiver. Certainly, this being possessed plentiful bloodlust… and it was also more powerful than the Nether Gatekeeper itself.
The Nether Gatekeeper shifted uncomfortably. Maintaining its current situation while also conversing was an unfamiliar challenge, so it took a few seconds to stabilize its own significance before the conversation continued. Then, after a few seconds of hesitation, it reached out and took the body from the remnant will.
It was an unfamiliar act of faith on the Nether Gatekeeper’s part.
Immediately, the Nether Gatekeeper grimaced. Its fingers tightened on the body to prevent itself from dropping it. The flesh was even more troublesome than it looked. You… truly, how have you managed to persist with this…?!? Ah, hey! Wait a second!
The remnant will had already turned its head to stare sideways, then turned and rotated slowly. It seemed to have some difficulty orienting itself. But at the Gatekeeper’s words, the remnant will looked back down and tilted its head to the side.
The Nether Gatekeeper licked its lips. The being’s trouble to determine which direction was up did not instill very much confidence. But at the same time, the truth was floating in the air above it; clearly, the remnant will was immune to the pull from below. The Nether Gatekeeper’s heart fluttered. If I do this for you… what will I receive in exchange?
The remnant will smiled again and gestured sharply. The meaning was clear: it would take the Nether Gatekeeper out of this place when it returned.
The Nether Gatekeeper couldn’t help it; it began to cry.