Chapter 1544 (2/2)

The physical training was already brutal… to exclusively do such training for the next week… DiOrtho shivered.

“After that, we have a new type of training lined up for you, in a bit of a sensitive location.” Overseer Helen’s smile widened. “Should be fun. I haven’t been able to run wild recently.”


“Hmmm… I think I’ve seen enough for today,” The overwhelming voice of Head Drill Sergeant Ghosthound boomed out over the assembled recruits. Even with just him speaking, a sense of weight accompanied every word that made it difficult to withstand. He pressed and folded the surrounding space, making him the center of it. “I’ll think a bit about your training regimen. In the meantime… you are dismissed.”

Then, as Charlotte Wick was bowing with her fellow recruits, the Ghosthound spoke again. “Except for Recruits Ronault, Wick, and Clamman. You three stay for a bit.”

Although Charlotte was shocked by his sudden words, she was nothing compared to Vizzeret’s reaction. The shaggy grey dog literally popped off the ground like he had purposefully hopped, such was the suddenness with which his entire body tensed. Meanwhile, the other recruits exchanged a few looks and then steadily retreated from the training room.

Once they were gone, an ominous silence descended over them. Charlotte looked up at the Ghosthound, wondering why she had been chosen to remain. Meanwhile, the Head Drill Sergeant was looking down at his metal left harm, studying his fingers seriously. The silence began to stretch.

Only Jieu seemed completely unaffected by the heavy note in the air, although Charlotte had basically never seen the flame elemental display any sort of discernable emotion. She sometimes wondered if he was truly mortal at all and not some construct.

Eventually, the Ghosthound raised his emerald gaze and looked at each one of the recruits in turn. “Heh. You three have my attention. I’ve already designed a specialized training regimen for the three of you. When you return to your shelters, you will find an object that has been touched by my image waiting there. Expose yourself as you deem appropriate; I believe there to be synergy between you three and my images, but it is not a guaranteed process. If you can incorporate my image…” The Head Drill Sergeant’s lip curled upward, perhaps displaying how unlikely it was in his mind that any one of them could survive his image. Charlotte wouldn’t disagree with him, either. This was a meaningless gamble, from his perspective. “I’ll have further pointers I can give you as well. Any questions?”

The silence arrived once again, sudden and heavy. The power with which the Ghosthound spoke made breaking through the silence seem simple, but without his voice, the darkness of the training area turned thick and restricting. Yet despite that heavy taboo that seemed to exist, Charlotte forced herself to clear her throat. “Sir… why me…?”

The Ghosthound’s emerald eyes zeroed in on Charlotte. “What a pathetic thing to say, recruit. If you don’t believe you deserve this opportunity, feel free to withdraw.”

Charlotte’s blood seemed to freeze in her veins. Directly experiencing the Head Drill Sergeant’s ire, she could barely breathe. “No, I… that’s not… these two are just-”

“Most disappointingly, haven’t I already answered your question? You...” The Head Drill Sergeant folded his arms. His eyes continued to burn holes in Charlotte’s chest. “As I said, the true reason you were selected was because of synergy between my images and the three of you. These two were coincidentally the first and second-place finishers in the tournament… while you were fifth.”

The air around the Ghosthound began to buzz. “Truly, a disappointing showing, considering I felt some small amount of potential from you, recruit. I hope I won’t come to regret this decision. Dismissed.”

Almost blinded by the hanging afterimage of the Ghosthound’s emerald gaze that had been seared into her mind’s eye, Charlotte Wick stumbled out of the training hall behind Jieu and Vizzeret. Both looked at her with sympathy, but they didn’t stay to commiserate; both made beelines toward the recruit living area. They would only have so much time to rest as it was and an item with the Head Drill Sergeant’s image was waiting for them back in their personal quarters. Of course they would like to investigate before anything else.

Even as Charlotte hyper-ventilated for a full minute outside of the training building, she couldn’t help but also get excited. Aside from her grandfather, the Ghosthound was the most powerful man she had ever met. She had personally felt how overwhelming his images were. And considering how much she had already improved with the help of his subordinates…

Charlotte sprinted back to the well-constructed shelter and threw open the door. But as soon as she did so, Charlotte went pale and began to tremble.

In the middle of her inner sanctum, a small rock sat, releasing a powerful aura of growth and life energy. It appeared that the Ghosthound had given her his tree image, to combine with Charlotte’s Primal Force.

But whoever had been here had rummaged through her drawers. The hundreds of freehand sketches she had made of Overseer Helen were strewn across the floor. Even some of the more… explicit, albeit tasteful, depictions were included. And along the far wall, a line of text was carved.

Very bold, Recruit Wick. Show me your resolve… or I’ll show everyone your hidden talents. Heh.

Charlotte felt tears welling up in her eyes as she slumped to the ground. The sneering face of the Head Drill Sergeant was so vivid before her eyes that she began to tremble. Those emerald eyes hung over her like a guillotine.