Chapter 1534 (2/2)
Instantly, Lay’mel flushed. “But I have already given you the fee-”
“You paid for me to take a look,” Suddenly Velio Dunn was not an affable man laying on the ground. He glared up at Lay’mel and the elf couldn’t even breathe. The runes on the enormous sword began to glow. “So I’m here, taking a look. I’m trying to keep you from fucking wasting your money by ruining everything with your prattle. So accept my advice, alright? Let’s have some patience. Try and enjoy yourself a little more.”
So Lay’mel fell silent, even though he was feeling humiliated and furious. Somehow, the worst part was that he was just as scared of the runic greatsword than the man himself. Still lying on the ground, Velio Dunn popped another candy into his mouth. He amused himself by blowing mist rings up into the air above him.
Truly… if I hadn’t obtained his name from a Swacc Family contact… Lay’mel’s expression was stiff. It would be difficult to believe that he is someone who has lived since the Second Cohort… and is one of the most feared assassins in the Nexus…
They waited like that in something like silence for almost ten minutes; the only noise was Helio chuckling to himself when he managed some acrobatic feat with his mist rings. Lay’mel did his best to relax. Then, blessedly, individuals began to file out of the chapel above them on the hill.
Lay’mel nodded decisively. “Let’s shift positions to attract less attention-”
“Why bother?” Velio rolled onto his back and then flipped himself up to his feet. With a toe, he flicked his two-meter long sword up in the air and seized the hilt with his hand. “Anyone who would recognize me has already sensed me anyway. There is no need to skulk around for just an innocent look.”
Lay’mel blinked. “Uh… aren’t you worried that being seen would tip off Randidly Ghosthound…? As an assassin-”
“Lamel, heheh, your name is a portmanteau of lame camel. Anyways, Lamel, it seems clear to me that you just don’t get it.” Velio patted Lay’mel’s shoulder several times and each touch sent near-painful jolts through his body. Velio Dunn was strong. “Also, don’t call me an assassin ever again. Or I’ll kill you. But I don’t take these jobs because I like killing. In fact, I find killing generally deplorable; I can’t have a climactic rematch with a dead man.
“No, I do this because it’s fun. To fight! To struggle! To have an inevitable showdown!” Velio Dunn shook his head, almost sorrowfully. When he blew the mist out of his mouth this time, it was directly into Lay’mel’s face. “I’m here to look because if it seems like fun, I’ll definitely fight this Ghosthound of yours. And I’ll admit that it seems like I’m a jinx for most people; inexplicably, people who fight me end up dying during the fight. Can you understand how disappointing that is? To be all riled up and lathered and then to have your opponent bisected in half on the first attack? There is no greater sorrow in the world.”
“I…. I see.” Lay’mel’s mouth twitched.
“I cannot handle that disappointment any longer. I am not a young man,” Velio sighed deeply. “Lamel, I get that this Ghosthound is stronger than you; you are pretty weak, to begin with. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t just another schmuck who would inexplicably end up impaled on my sword, understand? I have to protect myself from disappointment. So let’s just-”
“There he is,” Lay’mel interrupted, pointing up through the crowd at a figure who walked out of the chapel.
Velio Dunn tilted his head to the side and squinted up toward the chapel. “The chubby bloke with the two hammers at his waist? I’m sorry Lamel, but that’s a definite no-”
“No, not him, the… the humanoid with short black hair.” Lay’mel was exasperated. “If we don’t mind being seen let’s just walk up there and I can introduce you to him. That way, you can read his image-”
“Haven’t you been listening to me?” Velio Dunn looked at Lay’mel with a scandalized look on his face. “I’m a dangerous man! What if I kill him accidentally while introducing myself?!?”
What do you mean WHAT IF!??! Didn’t I hire you to kill him?!? Inwardly, Lay’mel was fuming. But he had been forewarned that Velio Dunn was a little bit peculiar. So he kept his temper as best he could. “Well… ah! There. Do you see? It’s that man. The one holding that key up to the air on the left-”
“Oh,” Was all Velio Dunn said. But Lay’mel didn’t really notice, because he watched with shock as Randidly Ghosthound opened a portal in the air and stepped through it. And just like that, he was gone.
“He didn’t use the Ways. Interesting.” Velio’s words brought Lay’mel back to the present. As Lay’mel twisted around to urge Velio to accept the commission, he was pinned to the ground as he saw the expression on the other man’s face. There was no humanoid in those sharp features, only a hungry beast. Velio licked his lips. “I accept, Lamel. That body of his… bearing the sin of breaking through the System’s physical limitation… I’ll definitely fight your Randidly Ghosthound. Hehe. I just hope he doesn’t die quickly.”