Chapter 1518 (1/2)

Charlotte Wick looked in wonder at the swirling mass of Nether that hovered around the Ghosthound and felt a genuine twinge of fear. The way he had warped space on the way downward took on a sinister edge. His shadow was long and dark, falling into the massive ditch. If anything, the lack of the monstrous features of his images laid bare exactly how dangerous Randidly Ghosthound was as an individual. It made sense that even her grandfather would encourage her to seek this man out and try to win his favor.

But then some of the details of what her Advisor had said registered with her. As someone who had been in the periphery of Commandant Wick’s existence, she had some understanding of the power of the creatures of the Nether. And although Nether Gatekeepers were a nightmare for the average soldiers… “So right now, he is as powerful as a Nether Gatekeeper?”

Advisor Zauna snorted and cast her a rather impatient glance. “He has as much energy as the Nether Gatekeepers, girl. In terms of power… well, at least three of the Overseers chosen could fight a normal Nether Gatekeeper to a draw. Helen might be able to kill one and wound another at this point. Now, watch what’s about to happen and tell me how powerful he is in comparison to that rabble.”

Charlotte pressed her lips together and kept any flush of embarrassment from rising to her face. Advisor Zauna was right, it had been a foolish question. Of course, a more talented individual could do far more damage with the same amount of energy as-

Charlotte paused because she realized that her own Advisor was looking at her with a sympathetic gaze. Somehow, the lizard man’s eyes managed to convey, ‘don’t take it personally, Zauna is mean like that to me all the time. I thought it was a reasonable question’. Gritting her teeth, Charlotte looked away from her advisor. She wasn’t sure what pissed her off more: that Advisor Salazar continued to act like he and she were very similar or that she so easily could read his intentions after barely knowing him for a few days.

Again, she wondered if she could switch Advisors.

Luckily, most of her anger ebbed as there was movement from the demonstration in front of her. Even the surly Advisor Zauna straightened and focused on the Ghosthound as he lightly rolled his shoulders and then glanced down toward Overseer Helen. His voice reminded Charlotte of the wind, light where it touched your skin but massive in the way it managed to move the entire sky. “Are you prepared?”

Instead of answering, Overseer Helen just spared a glance for Vizzeret. The grey dog raised its head proudly, refusing to bow before the waves of pressure that the Ghosthound was releasing. The golden dogs around him followed suit. “I am prepared.”


The stone lip on which the Ghosthound had been standing shattered, as though he had been an unholy apparition that had been banished from this realm by Vizzeret’s words. Yet as soon as the noise of shattering stone reached her, Charlotte understood that she was about to miss what happened. So she pressed her lips together and activated the only Skill taught to her personally by her grandfather, A Warrior’s Poise.

Charlotte’s fingertips tingled. Her pupils dilated. The details before her sharpened. And then, and only then, was she able to catch the barest blurs of the fight occurring at high speeds between the Overseers and Randidly Ghosthound.

While the Head Drill Sergeant pierced sharply down toward the clearly unprepared Vizzeret, Heiffal accelerated upward to meet him. Meanwhile, Helen twisted around, seized Vizzeret by the scruff of the neck, and then bodily tossed him back into the waiting arms of one of the Overseers. The golden dogs turned fuzzy and then vanished. Her charge taken care of, Overseer Helen whipped around and glared up toward the approaching Ghosthound.

Overseer Helen’s immense image exploded into motion, so many different flows of crimson energy wrapping around to bind the Head Drill Sergeant that Charlotte couldn’t even begin to count them. Yet without even seeming to break a sweat, the Ghosthound ripped through them all.

His body moved, but Charlotte couldn’t quite pierce through his speed to any of the details.

How high is his Agility?!? Charlotte’s eyes widened.


The Ghosthound impacted Overseer Heiffal, his spear flashing. Charlotte couldn’t catch what sort of attack he used, but Overseer Heiffal deflected off to the side like he was an unwanted pest. Before the Ghosthound could accelerate forward and attack the still limp Vizzeret, another Overseer intervened, swinging a massive hammer toward the Ghosthound. Meanwhile, Overseer Helen stood with her eyes narrowed, the crimson flows of energy around her gathering and darkening.

The whole of Overseer Helen’s image seemed to be exploding with fury, but the time interval was just so short-

The moments began to accelerate as the various participants became more serious. Three images flared to life, from Overseer Heiffal, the Overseer with the Hammer, and the third Overseer that was waiting behind the hammer-wielder to assist with stalling the Ghosthound.

The Ghosthound reached out and blocked the hammer with his bare left hand. Somehow, Overseer Heiffal regained his balance mid-air and pounced back toward the Ghosthound from the side. Charlotte wasn’t able to tell if he had any injuries.

When the Ghosthound’s hand touched it, the hammer shattered into a million tumbling pieces. Simultaneously, the Ghosthound’s spear seemed to split into a dozen different serpents that lashed out at the gathering Overseers from different angles, three strikes for each.

Congratulations! Your Skill A Warriors Poise (R) has grown to Level 203!

Still about fifty meters back from the main action, Vizzeret’s paws finally hit the ground. At the same moment, Helen’s feet left the ground and an enormous shadow expanded to fill the space around her body. A shadowy maw ghosted silently forward in her wake. Charlotte’s eyes twitched as she struggled to follow the Ghosthound’s movements and could only make out seven blurs where his spear used to be.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At almost exactly the same time, all three of the Overseers gathered around the Ghosthound were smashed into the ground, creating three small craters. The Ghosthound’s spear once more settled into a singular weapon. His bare toes touched the ground. Overseer Helen rushed forward, glorious and perfect in her surging momentum. The crimson flows continued to seethe powerfully. Charlotte was concentrating so hard her eyeballs felt like they were vibrating.

The Ghosthound stepped forward, even as Vizzeret belatedly flared his image to life once more. The golden dogs returned, but they were greatly diminished by the Ghosthound’s influence. Nether swirled around the antagonist’s body, thick and foreboding.