Chapter 1430 (2/2)
Sam shrugged and brought the piece of timber over to knock over the figurine. “She kept talking about creating a ‘tabletop’ experience, but I- huh…?”
When the piece of wood hit the metal figurine there was a dull noise. A noise that was quite unusual considering the materials involved and vaguely melodic. Immediately, Sam’s entire countenance brightened.
Sighing, Randidly left Sam alone for now. He did not wish to spend his final night in the Dungeon listening to him banging on the timber with various metal hammers.
The crimson flows of energy around Helen were so deep and powerful that they scoured deep grooves into the ground around her. The current rolled and lashed out like furious serpents trying to entrap their prey. The color of the air surrounding her had darkened toward dried blood. She had to grit her teeth to withstand the pressure of this depth within her own image, but still, Helen persevered. Just beyond this, she felt the cusp of a grand change.
A flow smashed into the ground particularly close to Helen and threw flecks of stone up toward her face. She didn’t flinch.
Despite the trembling in her muscles, Helen’s razor-sharp will continued to pressure herself deeper into the bloody image around her. This incensed the currents around her; they began to rage with all the ferocity of a hurricane making landfall. She had chosen a rather secluded location for this final attempt while in the Dungeon, but now Helen felt a sliver of pity for the rather modest gathering of trees that had been minding their business here previously.
As the flows of blood raged around her, those trees were blasted to splinters. The ground was cracked and scarred. Helen shivered, keeping herself very still at the core of the whirling forces around her. A spot of blood began to drip down from a small cut made by the earlier flecks of stone.
Gradually, even as her instincts warned her of the danger, Helen forced her eyes to open and looked at the dense maroon coloration of the blood sea whirling around her. Although this was her own image, it wasn’t one that she had necessarily created from scratch. She had some portions that were her own invention, but even Helen had to admit that most of the changes she made were very… shallow, to the sea of blood.
Helen didn’t understand the details, but in their talks, Randidly had theorized that she was tapping into an older image as she progressed. And therefore, she should be extremely careful when exploring the depths of this image.
So Helen sank as deeply into the sea of blood as she dared and opened her eyes. There was a constant rumbling as the currents constantly ripped at the ground around her. The ‘waters’ here were thick and murky. Her awareness was dismal. Yet it was enough. As she peered downward, she sensed a vast… something was sleeping before her. Even as a headache exploded outward from between her brows, Helen kept herself focused on that vague impression. The headache grew worse. Her chest seized. Such was the pressure that her own body wouldn’t allow her to breathe in this place.
If she breathed, some instinct urged her that a terrible accident would happen. Yet still Helen didn’t look away. Crimson veins emerged on her eyeballs. She forced her attention to sharpen.
That thing in the depths stirred. Something within Helen snapped into place.
Congratulations! Your Skill Tides of Blood (Domain) has evolved into the Sea of Flesh and Tragedy (Domain)! Skill Level will be maintained. Effects of the domain will slightly increase per each Skill Level.
Just as soon as she brushed up against that thing, deep in the depths, it was gone. It sank away so quickly that she almost believed that she had imagined it. As it left, it pulled those violent currents with it. Helen was left sitting in a ruined stretched of forest, releasing deep gasps as she struggled to recover her equilibrium. She pressed her eyes shut and endured the headache, allowing the throbbing pain to run its course.
She had accomplished her goal. Yet somehow, doing so only made her more curious about the image she was steadily infiltrating. What awaited at the bottom…?
Still, Helen didn’t linger long in her created clearing. After she recovered, she ate a small meal of dried meat and cheese and checked her reflection in a small mirror. She unwound her hair and rebraided it so that it looked immaculate.
No need to let any of the other people know how difficult the transition had been for her. And yet, while she certainly did feel some satisfaction at the increase in ability she had received, it was somewhat hard to get too excited when she had spent the last six months training with the Ghosthound’s evolving images.
That man has a way of making everyone else’s gains seem… meager. Helen reflected bitterly as she hurried back to the base. Not that she needed to be there tonight, the Riders would be killing the boss soon so they could leave without needing any assistance, but there was some talk of a party.
And nothing cheered Helen up quite like how sour Randidly would be when he was eventually strong-armed into attending a party. After he used her Domain as a punching bag for six months, she deserved the exquisite treat of seeing his brow furrowed in annoyance.
As she was descending into the valley, however, she saw Nathan sitting on a stump and looking down over the gathering below. Although they weren’t great, several of the teachers that Randidly had brought from his Alpha Cosmos had pulled out instruments and were performing an impromptu concert in the middle of the more advanced houses the kids had built.
For a second she hesitated. Although they were peers, she didn’t often speak to Nathan. But there was something focused about his gaze right now that gave her pause. Plus, Helen could sense Randidly wasn’t yet below. No need to rush.
So she approached Nathan. After casting her mind around, she actually thought of a topic of conversation pretty easily. “So? How did the Class making go?”
Nathan shook his head. “Commissioner Arrietti asked to delay until tomorrow. He wants to… center himself in his home. Something about the Dungeon environment… polluting his headspace?”
Helen frowned as she sat next to Nathan on a nearby stump. “...I’m actually surprised that man noticed. Randidly’s image is too prevalent here; makes it slightly stuffy to refine any other image. Maybe he’s not just a glorified punching bag…”
Nathan rolled his eyes. “You are too harsh. He might not be very brave, but he at least is honest. He’s the type of man Kharon needs- hey, stop!”
Helen started ruffling Nathan’s hair with a smile. “What are you, fourteen? Don’t talk like you are a wise old man. It’s slightly creepy.”
But as she smiled, some inner part of Helen sighed and deflated. As she looked down at the joyous celebrating happening below, she couldn’t help but think of the corollary of what Nathan had said: the reason that Kharon needs people like Commissioner Arrietti was because they would soon be losing the man they really needed, Randidly Ghosthound.
And yesterday, Randidly had offered Helen a chance to come with him to the Nexus.
“Just trying to do my part,” Nathan scowled at Helen. She ignored the gaze, although she felt that Nathan had shifted his classification of her to becoming a condescending adult after that display.
“Aren’t we all,” Helen replied without much heart.