Chapter 1261 (2/2)
Slowly, the smile on Derek’s face faded as he watched his son frown down at his lap. Although maybe the reason that Tim became so stubborn recently is because he’s been called a liar repeatedly at school…
Damnit, I want him to have the best chance in life. And that means getting a headstart at a good school. But if he’s really getting bullied that badly...
Struck by the sudden desire to cheer his son up, Derek stood abruptly. “Hey, buddy, want to go get a Jake Tuck jersey? I saw them selling them on the way in. We can grab some food while we are up too. Want some nachos?”
“Really?” Tim’s smile was bright and his smile was full of joy. More than anything else in the world, Derek wanted to be able to protect that joy. Derek’s eyes grew clear as he looked at that smile.
The future’s a long time away. Maybe… maybe I need to make a change. For his sake.
In a sub-basement beneath the stadium, the two sides faced each other in grim silence. Two humans watched the Nemesai, waiting for their decision. Eventually, the Winged Serpent sighed; at this point, they didn’t have much choice but to gamble. The foes on Earth were too strong for them to face otherwise.
It glanced sideways at its fellow Nemesai then across to the other party. “We agree to your terms. In exchange for your assistance, we will construct the array and make sure not a single living soul walks out of the stadium.”
The man in the crimson cloak leaned forward. With the dim light of the room, it was only possible to see the edge of his smile as he looked toward the group of five Nemesai gathered in the room. “As long as you gather enough of their blood for the ritual, I will give you what you desire.”
The Winged Serpent was annoyed at the man’s condescending tone, but it could only keep its reptilian face neutral. Of course, the Bandit King scowled fiercely, but even he did not dare say anything. The truth was, this individual was currently more powerful than them with their images shackled by the System. Which was why they were willing to bargain their services in order to obtain the man’s assistance.
Of course, if it wasn’t for the damned lock… The Winged Serpent’s tongue flicked out, but it doubted others would notice the frustration in the gesture. To further distract the other party, the Winged Serpent said in a low voice. “If we do this, it will earn the ire of the entirety of New Earth. At least twenty thousand people will be here. Killing them… will have consequences. Are you prepared to face the wrath of an entire world?”
The Bandit King gave the Winged Serpent an incredulous look, but the Winged Serpent ignored it. That fool was probably wondering why the Winged Serpent would ask something that might convince the other party to change his mind.
Yet this was not a casual decision. The Winged Serpent had studied past Nemesai actions extensively after it had received the role. And history was clear; Nemesai that attracted the ire of the world before they could decisively make the world fail a Calamity often were annihilated.
Which honestly had almost happened on Earth already. Randidly Ghosthound was that powerful. He had forced the Nemesai to dire straits just by casually showing up twice. While the Nemesai were already numb to being targeted by every side, but the Winged Serpent needed to make sure that this powerful man in the crimson cloak understood the consequences in his actions. It was clear the man was mad… the Winged Serpent simply wanted to sound out the depths of his madness before the Nemesai bound themselves to his cause.
The man chuckled. “I am the power of an entire world. Of a true world, where all the tragic losses of the past could be avoided. Why should I fear this small planet? The dream of escape from this farce is why we work toward the Red Revival. That is why we will pay any price…”
“You are truly willing to kill your fellow humans for this?” The newest of the Nemesai, the Grey Lich, frowned over at the two men who represented the Red Revival. Although the Grey Lich had been on Earth for several months, it was still having difficulty grasping how different this world was from most.
After all, he had never seen either Randidly Ghosthound or Neveah.
It was impossible to comprehend the other Nemesai’s urgency without fighting one of the true monsters that had been birthed here. But the Winged Serpent supposed this man in the crimson cloak counted as one of those same monsters.
This time, it wasn’t the man in the crimson cloak that spoke. The figure leaning on the wall next to him straightened. With a flourish, he produced a dagger and made it dance across his fingers. The man’s eyes were bright and bleak as he looked at the Grey Lich, even in the darkness. “I think you will find us perfectly willing to pay the price to return to an Earth that hasn’t been consumed by violence. This world… has been tainted.”
Even more unstable than the other human. The Winged Serpent hummed to itself. Truly, this Earth is far more dangerous than it appears on the surface. And this ritual this man wants to perform… Even I find it difficult to understand. Exactly where did these people find this ritual… and will it truly allow them to return to a time before the System…?
For a second, the Winged Serpent was tempted to throw its lot more directly behind the Red Revival. The trophy it promised was appetizing. But its blood was cold and as it rationalized the prospect, it deemed it unlikely to have any legitimate merit.
After all, it obviously meant something that the two individuals who believed in this Red Revival most fervently were positively mad.
The man with the dagger twisted his hand and sent the weapon darting forward. With a snort, Thea forcefully caught the projectile in her hand and glared over toward her attacker. And her ire was a potent wave of pressure that blasted steadily outward. Even the Winged Serpent could only wince and endure the pressure radiating off the woman for as long as the System bound their images.
That was why she was their leader. Although she started out the weakest, she had grown strong. And because she hadn’t been bound like them, she was able to benefit from the collective guidance of the Nemesai to develop her own image that could be utilized freely on Earth. More than that, the strange bitterness that slowly consumed her heart ensured that her image wouldn’t accept weakness.
The dagger thrower stuck his tongue out at Thea. “Good to be working with you again.”
“Don’t fucking talk to me, Hyde.” Thea spat out. Then she turned to the man in the crimson cloak. “And? What about the two real threats to us?”
“Our spy in the Order Ducis gave us the time that Randidly Ghosthound will be meeting with the leader of the Ogre Gorge.” The crimson cloaked individual said casually. “When the operation starts, we will use the evolved elemental of Drake that you captured to strike at his psyche, causing him to go on a rampage. It should distract Neveah long enough for us to finish things here.”
The Winged Serpent frowned. “We had heard that Drake’s body had been moved to Donnyton.”
For a second, the man in the crimson cloak paused. Then he shrugged. “So we finish before Neveah can arrive. And if she shows up… I will move personally. You don’t have to worry.”