Chapter 1246 (2/2)

As the sky slowly shifted from darkness to the long shadows of the light before dawn, Randidly began to create his list of goals for the immediate future. On the journey back toward the Zones, Randidly wanted to get Kharon as perfectly poised as possible for the different sorts of reactions that they would inspire from most of the population.

There was magic in this world, and Randidly hoped Kharon could become the symbol of that.

More than that, he wanted to do some more investigations across Earth before he had to interact directly with other factions. When he had sought out that blood-based image out of curiosity after hearing Tatiana’s explanation, Randidly had been genuinely surprised to feel how strong it was. It wasn’t hard to locate, although the image was so diffused over the Southern portion of the Wildlands that it would take Randidly probably several hours worth of concerted attention to track the image to its source.

In addition, Randidly had caught several familiar hints of energy in the air. After leaving the frontlines, it was disturbing to find that the blood image was heavily tainted with the energy of Ileot Swacc.

If Ileot knew about me from his interactions with Shal, I suppose it makes sense that he would want an agent here on Earth to monitor me… it would also explain why the blood image is so strong compared to most of Earth’s images. Only Alana is even close…

It was somewhat reassuring to know that unless something drastic occurred, Ileot Swacc had been dealt with. Therefore, Randidly would only need to worry about dealing with the source of this blood image. Although Ileot had probably duplicated a portion of Earth and given this individual all the benefits, Randidly was confident in being able to take him down.

Other than the blood image… Randidly pressed his lips together in barely controlled fury. In a way that hadn’t occurred since… well, probably since before had any way of sensing her presence, the energy of the Creature was readily apparent across Earth. The scent was present everywhere, as though she didn’t even see the point of hiding from Randidly any longer. It seemed that her response to Randidly kicking her out of the Alpha Cosmos wasn’t a good one.

It was possible that she was preparing for the first Calamity as well, and considering the fact that she tried to stall out Earth in Zone 32’s Raid Dungeon, that only made Randidly more alarmed. The Earth was growing too large too quickly for Randidly to have any real sort of control over the direction of the entire Earth’s growth. That is why ironing out all the issues and hiccups with Kharon’s image was so important.

This would be his symbol. This was the contingency plan if the unthinkable happened.

Standing on the roof of an apartment building on Kharon, Randidly brought the fingertips of his left arm up and pressed them against his eyelids. The metal felt extremely cool against the almost feverish heat of his eyes.

Beyond that… Randidly had to determine what sort of threat the connections in the cleared Danger Zones presented. As far as he could tell, it wasn’t so overwhelming that it would destabilize the current Earth without his involvement. At the same time… Randidly had seen what happened to Shal’s world as combat was elevated to an almost holy status.

Fighting was a great way of improving the quality of an image… but it came with serious consequences. Ignoring those was foolish.

Of course, while I am trying to make peace, people decide to bring back football… Randidly chuckled lightly to himself.

Then his gaze turned sharp as he shited to look toward the Northeast. Randidly focused on the area where the Creature’s vague energy was the thickest. Because it was also in that same spot that Randidly’s Philosopher’s Key was telling him that he could find the next piece of his Fateset.

Not exactly surprising, but a bit annoying of a development...

Humming to himself, Randidly loped back across Kharon’s rooftops to return to city hall. There, he scaled down the Northern wall and entered into an unobtrusive window. Rolling his shoulders, Randidly walked over to the desk and picked up some of the files that had been brought there.

These were more detailed reports on the various movements of different groups over the months that Randidly had been absent. Randidly made himself comfortable in the plush leather chair while he got to work pouring over the reports. He toyed with Ignition Essence, causing the emerald fire to dance across his hands, but for over two hours he carefully studied the tight handwriting contained in the documents. With the energy of both Ileot and the Creature present on Earth, he wanted to understand what they were up to.

So he examined every detail that Tatiana had thought worthy of note.

And he could find nothing.

With a sigh, Randidly pushed back his chair and stood. If it really was just that easy, I suppose someone else would have been able to notice that something is up… but I don’t like this. There’s too much I don’t know.

That thought, after Randidly frowned down at his desk for several seconds, caused Randidly to laugh lightly. “I have an entire city’s worth of people behind me… now’s not the time to worry about everything I don’t know. Better to just… focus on what I do.”