Chapter 1183 (1/2)

Congratulations! You have reached Level 52! +8 Stats distributed between Vitality, Perception, Resist, Intelligence, and Control, +35 Free Stats! +1 Stat to a Mental Stat. +1 to a Physical Defense Stat. +1 to a Mental Support Stat. +2 Control. +36 Health, +45 Mana, +40 Stamina, +3.5 to all Regenerations! +1 to Health and Stamina Regeneration!

Due to Guidance of the Wraith Adder, +4 Agility and +2 Bonus Stats!

Due to your Fate Philosopher's Key, +3 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Focus!

With the most recent burst of Stats that Randidly obtained, he pushed himself over 1000 with Intelligence. The first feeling Randidly felt was a feeling of disorientation, but then his powerful Control began to weave itself back across the battlefield. Intelligence, Grim Intuition, and Control that he deftly weaved the trap that he wanted to spring. His capability surged upward, allowing him a completely ridiculous level of multitasking across the front.

Obviously he didn’t weaken his images or Skills, but he simply allowed his roots and vines to be slowly undercut as more and more Nether Beasts surged forward and threw their bodies forward. One strike at a time, those attacks reached the towering roots emanating that brilliant white light. His roots would smash and weep back and forth in furious retribution, but several powerful Nether Beasts would group together and barely repulse Randidly’s moves. Nether Beasts began to slip through the space between the towering roots, reaching the frontlines of Lady Iellaya’s camp once more.

Congratulations! Your Skill Inscrutable Mien of Genesis (M) has grown to Level 252!

Of course, Randidly bled these carefully allowed enemy forces with thorny roots. Small wounds, nothing fatal, but enough to make them easy pickings for the fresh recruits. More ambient Nether was created that the array began to steal and repurpose. The visual variations in the area intensified, making the point of contact between the two forces even more chaotic.

“...ah shit…” Randidly winced. Even though he intended for it to happen, it still hurt when one of his roots was felled. Both Absolute Grasp of Yggdrasil and Inscrutable Mien of Genesis trembled with the failure, forced to endure the backlash as the tall root swayed and then collapsed to the ground. Its light went dark and Nether Beasts surged forward with gleeful roars. Yet Randidly gritted his teeth and did nothing.

His eyes burned emerald as he watched more and more Nether Beasts rush greedily forward.

Once the first root had fallen, the other three had to face attacks from more directions. In three huge crashes, those roots fell too, rapidly withering to nothing and leaving behind a relatively undefended ditch that the trenches had become. Nether Beasts filled it, rushing madly forward as their success gave them confidence.

Randidly released a breath and winced. Fuck… that hurt more than I thought it would. Not anything serious, but-

There was a hand on his shoulder that brought Randidly abruptly back. Salazar flicked his tongue out of his mouth uneasily as he considered Randidly. “Are… a-are you a-a-alright? If y-you aren’t-”

“No, I’m fine,” Randidly shook his head. “I’ll recover quickly. But it’s too late for them.”

A monster with nothing but hunger opened its mouth and tasted the air.

Salazar looked confused, but Randidly didn’t bother to answer. Even now, it was out there, among them. It crawled gleefully across the slain roots of the World Tree, skittering from slaughtered branch to branch. It licked its lips as it moved amongst the Nether Beasts, its energy similar enough to them that the phantom went unnoticed. It was almost welcomed amongst these strange beings of instinct. It had many legs and a mouth wide enough to swallow the sky.

This will teach you to assume you have the market on images of darkness cornered, Randidly thought grimly. Implacable Price of Exodus.

The dark thing with too many legs and a mouth wide enough to swallow the sky paused in its made journey through the surging forces of Nether. Even as Nether Beasts rushed forward around it, the thing looked upward toward Randidly. Then it smiled. Its tongue tasted the air again, shivering in anticipation.

There was a moment of suspended time as the image moved and the whole of the trench dug in front of Lady Iellaya’s camp could feel the change. Randidly noticed the Nether Beasts realize something was wrong and struggle to escape, but the image was already among them. There was only the phantom of jaws that materialized around the Nether Beasts and the darkness of the hunger lurking beyond that.

Those jaws covered the entire ditch.


Congratulations! Your Skill Implacable Price of Exodus has grown to Level 203!

Congratulations! Your Skill Implacable Price of Exodus has grown to Level 204!

Congratulations! Your Skill Implacable Price of Exodus has grown to Level 205!

Even the Nether advance turned sluggish as all of the Nether Beasts that had charged into the trench vanished in a flicker of curved teeth and the sound of all of those Nether bubbles and cores being smashed to a pulp at once. Randidly brought his hand to his chest and winced as he endured something akin to heartburn as that foreign Nether lashed out at him for being consumed so quickly.

Unable to withstand the pressure, Randidly burped lightly and blew out a stream of dense Nether energy. Both Zauna and Salazar looked at him with obvious shock and alarm, but Randidly could only shake his head helplessly.

“Don’t worry about it, this isn’t more than I can handle,” Randidly said with a grin. But he couldn’t help but notice how more Nether energy leaked out of the corners of his mouth like smoke as he smiled. Which greatly increased the alarm in Salazar’s eyes as his two assistants considered Randidly Ghosthound.

Shaking his head, Randidly turned back to the battlefield and allowed the headache he suddenly possessed to slowly ease itself away. That was even more powerful than expected… but the word ‘price’ is important… that strength only comes from giving something up. In this case… defending within that trench with any Yggdrasil Skills now after using that image would greatly weaken it.