Chapter 1139 (2/2)
Even as Abiodun opened his mouth to speak, Iellaya hissed in pain as she tentatively moved her injured arm. “...and I understand how far beyond where I once was that I currently am. Yet it is still not enough. If I am to repay all of you who have supported me up to this point… I need to be more.”
Bowing his head, Abiodun said quietly. “None of us regret coming into your service, my Queen. It is the greatest blessing we could have asked for to support you. And you cannot allow yourself to be driven by cravings. After you have accomplished so much… do not lightly dismiss everything you’ve done.”
“Such is the nature of craving,” Iellaya said tiredly as she slumped down into the wicker chair. “I know it is a hollow engine; as soon as I achieve what I desire I will want more. Yet we cannot help but crave… especially so long as those around us chase power so vehemently… I fear letting go of the craving will leave me entirely empty. Because sometimes I wonder what else I have remaining within me.”
For the first time in a long time, Abiodun held his silence not because his mistress didn’t know his thoughts on a matter, but precisely because she knew what he would say. And what he would say right now would not help her escape the fear that seized her heart. Instead, Abiodun turned and looked out and the warped and scorched battlements below them, the very same that had managed to survive through the Nether assault.
I would kill for you, my Queen, Abiodun thought fiercely, but she knew. She knew and it would only make her sad to hear that right now.
That’s why I cannot stop, she would reply. So Abiodun remained silent.
After a long time of allowing his mistress the time she wanted to simply dwell on the problems facing them, Abiodun opened his mouth. “In addition… there is news.”
“Tell me,” Came the whispered response, followed by a groan and the creaking of the wicker.
Abiodun didn’t turn away from the battlements. “As I’m sure you are aware, one of the difficulties for the Aether forces moving forward is the fact that so many of us at the Commander tier suffered various wounds while in today’s battle. Moreover… one of those individuals was Commander Terith.”
“Uptight prick lost his arm,” Lady Iellaya released a long sigh. “And he’s lucky that was all he lost to the Nether.”
“...unfortunately, the treatment of Commander Terith’s wound did not go well.” Abiodun rumbled. His hands tightened into fists. “While receiving attention at headquarters… it appears he has since gone unconscious. Word has been spread that a Nether weapon had been thrust into his body, thereby hiding the severity of his wounds until treatment began.”
For several seconds Lady Iellaya was silent. Then she snorted. “ it desperation…? Lord Miln, you truly dare scheme against your own Commanders while the enemy is at the gates…? I assume that the Nether Prince is already being moved to the Headquarters… in order to protect the asset?”
“Of course. He did not wait long. Shall I… make some inquiries to the other Commanders?” Only now did Abiodun glance over his shoulder at his mistress.
Although her face was in shadow, her eyes were polished obsidian the gleamed wickedly. “Ha! No, no need. After this… well, my opinions on our glorious leader have always been well known. No… they will come to me. Still…” Lady Iellaya leveraged herself up out of the wicker chair. “...this does mean I cannot afford to take time to recover. The other Commanders will come calling soon, and if I am too week to be seen as a rallying point… You’ll have to call up the Ghosthound. Perhaps with his help… well, we will see.”
Bowing, Abiodun left immediately. He found Randidly exactly as he had seen the young man from the command tower: laying on the ground surrounded by his feeble swirling images. They were like shimmering sheets of gossamer, blown around in silent rotation around his body. Yet as Abiodun approached him, he could resist pausing right at the threshold of the area dominated by Randidly Ghosthound’s images.
It wasn’t that they were strong. But they were… solid. To be near them was to feel them completely, despite Abiodun’s own images that should mitigate any outside influence’s effect. They were solid. In a manner that Abiodun hadn’t seen before, they seemed absolutely present and vivid, despite their weakness. As he approached, they parted to reveal a thin corridor that allowed Abiodun to proceed to Randidly.
More than anything else, it was that glimmer of awareness that made Abiodun hesitate.
Gritting his teeth at the fact he felt even a tingle of fear from this man, Abiodun forced himself forward. Randidly Ghosthound’s images whispered soundlessly around him, silk dragged over tile. When Abiodun reached him, Randidly’s eyes flickered open to reveal a deep, forest green. “...more work, huh?”
“More work,” Abiodun confirmed. Then he favored the young man with a wicked smile that burned with bloodlust. “That’s the joy of promotions in the army. All that we reward you with is a broader stage to struggle.”
“Perfect,” Randidly Ghosthound muttered. Immediately vines cracked open the dirty stone ground around him and helped him to his feet.