Chapter 1070 (2/2)

“So you claim to have never met this image in the past?” Commander Terith asked simply.

Vualla froze with her mouth half-open. All the while, the image stood calmly and waited. Commander Terith clicked his tongue inwardly as he examined the image’s face for a second time. This time his examination was even more exacting. Already, Terith could detect flaws in the image’s mask of ambivalence. Even if he is better at holding his tongue, he is just another young welp who is altogether too easy to read. Even if Vualla spoke out of turn first… it does not please me to have you both attempt to use me to get around the will of the other.

I suppose it would be pitiable if I wasn’t magnanimous enough to forgive both of you, considering you will soon die for me.

Commander Terith smiled lightly. Which is why I will allow you both to sacrifice your lives gallantly for the successful completion of this mission. To use me as a bit character in your drama… well then, what is more romantic than a grave?

“Your name?” Terith asked aloud.

“Randidly Ghosthound.” The image responded. There wasn’t a hint of nervousness in his words. So much so that Terith almost reluctantly looked at the image for a third time. This time, he ignored the physical form and simply allowed his own image to gently sound of the core of this image.


Terith’s smile faded away. What he heard in Randidly Ghosthound’s voice and felt from his core was bubbling excitement. The image held no fear. In fact, at that moment of speaking, Terith realized why this strange image had come here. It wasn’t out of concern for this girl, although the image might convince itself that that was the case. No, this image was one of the oldest types of soldiers. The ones that lived and died in pools of blood under dark skies.

It came because violence brought it joy. Which reminded Commander Terith of some of the old monsters that lived in the Nexus.

If you had a body… no… with the obvious strength of your image, probably all you would need is time. And someday you would be a Commander yourself, soaked and blood and roaring at the sky in ominous fury. And it is exactly due to people like you that I cannot afford to fail. There are already too many half-mad berserkers in the Nexus whipping us uselessly toward war. Please proceed easily to your grave.

“Well then, Randidly Ghosthound. Thank you for your service.” Commander Terith inclined his head toward one of the tables. “You will be serving underneath Vualla. Do your best to follow her orders to the best of your ability.”

Then, before Vualla could figure out what she was about to say with her half-open mouth, Terith beckoned one of his aides. “Please, carry these messages to some of the individuals within my camp. If they won’t come willingly, I’ll drag them here.”

Nine is a good number. Very round.I’ll get nine volunteers even if I need to blackmail them. Commander Terith resumed his straight-ahead staring. After being reminded of the Nexus by Randidly, he was no longer in any mood to wait around for volunteers. After all, after this I will likely retire. There is no need to worry about my future here.


It only took five minutes from the moment when Commander Terith dispatched his messages for four more volunteers to turn up. They were grim eyed and surly, but it was at least clear that they were capable individuals.

Randidly was impressed by Commander Terith’s ability to mobilize forces on short notice. The new arrivals barely spared Randidly a glance, but they carried with them a palpable sort of image that radiated off of them.

Randidly’s eyes glittered. Finally, I’ll be able to see individuals with actual power.

Once everyone was present, Commander Terith began to outline the plan.

Randidly tried his best to stifle a yawn during the drawn-out explanation. Although they couched it in fancy terms and overly wrought descriptions, the plan was comically simple. Vualla’s team, team 1, will sneak into the base of the Nether Gatekeeper and locate where the Nether Wells were being kept. Then they will signal the second team and cause a distraction in another portion of the base, giving the second team time to accomplish the real goal of the expedition: exterminating Nether Wells.

Then, incensed by the distraction, the Nether Gatekeeper will be kept busy by Vualla’s team. Should the Nether Gatekeeper pursue them to a ridiculous degree, the third team will strike and attempt to wound the Nether Gatekeeper. Randidly did perk up when Commander Terith mentioned he would be acting personally in team three, but it seemed unlikely that his involvement would come to pas.

After all, Randidly was able to intuit that the amount of time and distance that Vualla’s team was required to survive before help would arrive. They were, in effect, on their own in the interim, deep behind enemy lines.

No specifics about the makeup of this base came up, either. They would be wandering in blind, for all intents and purposes.

Randidly glanced over toward Vualla. Her hair was still up in a braid and her chin was raised. She listened calmly to Commander Terith’s explanation of their roles without every glancing Randidly’s way.

Still, Randidly’s Grim Intuition told him that she was just as focused on him as he was on her.

With great reluctance, Randidly looked away and tried his best to listen to this drivel. If nothing else, my Nether Sensation will give us an edge… neither of us will die on this sortie.

Randidly’s claw tightened into a fist. No matter who I need to kill to make it so.