Chapter 1052 (2/2)
“So what are you saying?” Yggdrasil asked quietly.
Finally, Randidly’s efforts paid off; the small tail was able to reach the offending itch. “Not to put you on the spot, but it might be best to offer them your ability to calm and repair images as the special thing about us, rather than something relating to the main body.”
“Ah… I see. It will act as an explanation for the unlikely. But one that may require that I use my abilities to heal others when the truth of it is discovered. Which is why you bring it up now.”
Randidly nodded sharply. His initial impression of Iellaya was that of a capable and determined woman. If she would learn of this ability, she did not seem like the type to allow such a useful tool to lay fallow.
Yet Yggdrasil’s earlier comments were exactly why Randidly believed that this was necessary. Only a few days had passed since he had awakened from being split from the main body. Perhaps as time passed, more and more Aether would be able to flow between them. Which certainly didn’t appear to be what happened with other images.
And the Grim Chimera had long ago learned how dangerous it was to be seen as different by those in power. Especially when those powerful individuals wished to use you for their own benefit.
“Yet I wonder…” Yggdrasil’s many branches shifted and rustled. “Do we know for sure that they will really care about this connection?”
“I don’t know,” Randidly sighed.
“The unknown can perhaps doom us.” Yggdrasil sighed. “Let it be so. In truth, a portion of my image could be accurately called recovery-focused. But it is not an easy thing to accomplish without familiarity with the image on the receiving end. Our similarities make it possible, but with others… we shall see.”
Randidly opened his mouth to say some more, perhaps to thank Yggdrasil or offer some apology for him having to bear this responsibility, but the noise of footsteps on the rough dirt seized his tongue with an iron fist. Both images sat over their dormant companion and waited as the sound drifted closer.
As Randidly had expected, the footsteps stopped outside of their tent and there was a knock on the tent flap. Without waiting for a response, the tent flap was pushed open to reveal the granite torso of Abiodun.
His eyes winked in and out slowly as he considered the interior of the tent. “...truly extraordinary. You hardly appear the worse for wear after being reduced to a blob of spectral goo not six hours ago. But perhaps such a situation is common for you?”
“Ha,” Randidly laughed hollowly. Truly, he felt incredibly exhausted at the moment. Even with most of his image repaired and reinforced, the remnants of his headache continued to grate against the healthy operation of his own thoughts. It hadn’t helped that he had spent time repairing his image and also was trying to parse apart what information it was safe to share.
But what was immediately made clear by Abiodun’s statement was that Randidly’s suspicions about how they would view his recovery were correct. As Randidly’s tongue twisted in his mouth to arrange the prepared lie in a form that would encourage very few questions, Yggdrasil just bluntly spoke.
“Due to our common body and my own image… I was able to heal Randidly to a greater or lesser degree. At the moment he is incredibly weak, but it should not take long for him to recover his combat capability.”
Because capability is what matters here, more than anything else. As long as I remain capable, I will remain useful. Randidly gritted his teeth but added nothing to Yggdrasil’s short explanation.
Abiodun simply nodded. “Indeed? A lucky thing for this cretin, to have companions who can clean up after his mistakes-”
“Insult me one more time and ill rip out your throat,” Randidly growled, unable to repress the hot rage that was pumped outward with each beat of his heart. It was doubly infuriating because Randidly wasn’t sure that Abiodun even had a throat that he could rip out.
But Abiodun just smiled. “Apologies. I must admit I goaded you purposefully only because it worried me to see you as indecisive and feeble as a falling leaf- ah, no offense Sir Tree.”
Yggdrasil chuckled. “We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. But I'll agree that Randidly was not one designed for planning or waiting. His is the brutality of action and impulse.”
“Virtue in motion,” Abiodun clicked his stone teeth. “Well, if you have recovered, my job is much easier. I came earlier and asked and your tree friend refused on your behalf, but it is protocol to ask the wounded individual directly: do you wish to receive the blessing of the Aether Fountain?”