Chapter 966 (2/2)

Even if he had a ridiculously high Level in Refine, the fact that it happened instantly… Vye struggled to grasp what she had just seen. Although she wasn’t interested in forging, she had watched forging occur hundreds of times. It was a tedious and drawn out process. And all he did was tap the top of the raw ore and it seemed to Refine itself...

“Next?” Randidly asked.

One of the men stepped forward. “Flexibility and functionality.”

Randidly tapped another piece of ore and a similar thing happened. Suddenly, it was just the pure metal within. Randidly looked at the final man.

“Durability,” the man grunted. “It needs to endure.”

After tapping another piece of ore, Randidly twisted and looked to the side. “Helen?”

The woman snorted. “It needs to make a spear.”

Rolling his eyes, Randidly tapped the fourth bit of ore. Then he paused, as though considering something. After a few seconds, he opened his mouth and spoke. “And I think… metal needs to protect.”

After tapping the final piece of ore, he had five gleaming bits of metal in front of him, each no larger than a fist. Vye blinked as she stared at the screen. Then she leaned closer. ...were all those nuggets really extracted from the same type of ore…? The coloration-

Randidly waved his hand, causing roots to twist up from the ground and pick up the barrel of emerald liquid. The roots casually poured the liquid into four smaller glass trays that were waiting on the central table. Then Randidly casually tossed the five nuggets into his tray. He looked over at the other three forgers. “I recommend you stick with your own image and use it on all five pieces. Ah, whoever creates the best metal will receive some personal instruction from me, so give it your best.”

Instantly, the eyes of the three assistants were lit on fire. After seeing how casually Randidly was able to manage everything, their earlier doubts were assuaged. The temptation of being instructed by him was more than enough motivation.

But the man who answered endurance raised his hand. “I do have a question… if we use the Refine Skill without heat, won’t impurities remain? Even at… ah… your Skill Level?”

Randidly nodded. “Yep, but that’s kinda the point. That’s what the weakening liquid is for. Mostly, I use that initial Refine to impress the image on the metal. While I’m Refining, I’m thinking of removing everything that doesn’t help the one focus I want. The weak things that I miss will be devoured by the weakening liquid.”

“Won’t that also damage the metal?” The woman who said strength asked.

Again, Randidly nodded. “But just like something is never truly invulnerable, nothing is ever truly damaged beyond repair. Now… you should hurry, so I don’t move need to move onto the next stage before you even have refined your metal.”

Already, the emerald liquid was frothing around the nuggets Randidly placed into them. With pale faces, the three assistants surged to work. It was clear from their pained expressions that they were attempting to mimic Randidly’s casual motions.

With that same small smile, Randidly turned back to the camera. “An image gives purpose. When that purpose in the metal resonates with the purpose of the piece of being equipment it is being forged into, the benefits are strengthened. Images associated with armor or weapons are relatively simple. It is a much more abstract thing to have an image for the material.

“Not impossible, obviously, but less intuitive. Honestly, I would recommend trying to obtain images in other areas and then working on images with materials, but… we simply don’t have time.” At that moment, Randidly’s smile turned somewhat pained. “The world continues to spin, no matter what we need. But remember, that need isn’t useless. Use that need as fuel. Use it to warp the world around us. It is only by growing beyond recognition that we can survive the future.”

It seemed like Randidly abruptly sensed something was amiss because Randidly tilted his head to the side. In the administrative booth, the silence had shifted to something full of confusion. Even Vye couldn’t really follow what Randidly was saying.

Need isn’t useless? Use it to warp the world? Vye wondered. But more than his words, Vye was fascinated by the feeling that he had created as he had spoken about those issues. Every word had weight. The air hummed with it. It was that urgency and power, which they had hitherto not seen from Randidly, was what gave everyone pause.

For just a moment, he had seemed… inhuman in his intensity. His eyes were blazing lanterns of emerald light.

I… just what do I need…? And what would I warp to make it so…? Vye wondered. Somehow, the words started to lose their meaning; in their place, that wild determination and Randidly’s emerald eyes were all that remained.

The question didn’t matter… what Vye was transfixed by was the attitude that let him ask such a ridiculous question. Because there was not a hint of doubt in Randidly Ghosthound right now, demonstrating before a couple of hundred people.

This was what she had dreamed of, without knowing she was dreaming. That easy assurance, that freedom-

Vye wanted it so badly she couldn’t breathe.

Randidly grinned, seemingly aware of the effect his words had. Although he was just looking at a camera, it was like he understood exactly how the group watching was reacting to what he said. “Too much too soon? Well, you all will see eventually. Time has no mercy. Anyway, Helen, demonstrate some images for these people so they don’t assume I’m crazy…”