Chapter 959 (2/2)

Again, Randidly shook his head. “Leave the details for later. What about the employees? How many people work here? How willing would they be to leave Zone 1?”

“If you got us out of here, don’t be surprised if some of the people praise you like a god,” Tykes muttered. “There would be a holiday named after you.”

“It’s dramatic, but…” Tatiana rolled her eyes and walked to the cupboard. From it, she removed three crystal glasses and a full bottle of liquor. A finger of amber liquid was poured into each glass, and then Tatiana offered one of the glasses each to Randidly and Tykes. Without even thanking her, Tykes took the liquid and threw back the shot.

Tykes smacked his lips as he lowered his glass onto the desk with an audible clink. “Ahhh, I never get tired of that. Did you get another shipment from Donnyton?”

Tatiana nodded and offered it to Randidly, who took it curiously. He held the liquid up to the light and studied the color. Strangely, it lightened almost to the point of appearing luminous when put beneath lights. It was less amber and more a brilliant butter color.

It reminded Randidly of the receptionist's eyes.

As Randidly considered the liquid, Tatiana continued to speak. “A rough way to put it… but Tykes isn’t wrong. A lot of our workers opted to switch to Erickson Steel because the government-sponsored industrial complexes are poorly managed hell holes. It seems that they mistakenly believed that since the System prevented illnesses, there was no real need to develop sufficient sanitation facilities.

“And when the word was spread that Erickson Steel was given a ‘foreign’ designation, there have been some… retaliation against us. Not by the government. But by regular people. Being considered foreign, are workers are classified so they aren’t able to obtain any citizenship other than probationary. Often, Erickson Steel workers are refused service at restaurants and stores. Which is why we built up more infrastructure here, so most people can just live in our facilities without worry.”

Randidly’s expression darkened. It took an effort of will to keep his Crown of Upheaval and Gloom from making an appearance at that moment. After all, Erickson Steel was ultimately his. These were his people. To hear that they were being discriminated against immediately set his teeth on edge. Especially after his own drawn-out experiences trying to gain citizenship in Zone 1.

“They… classify our employees?” Randidly said softly.

Tatiana grimaced. “Honestly, it’s a good thing for us. If the effect wasn’t permanent, more people would be tempted to switch over. But mostly its a recent law passed to keep us from expanding any further…”

While thinking about the callous actions of the Zone 1 government, Randidly rapidly composed a message and sent it to Naffur, requesting that he pack up and head South to assist in the Erickson Steel as soon as possible. In addition, Randidly added that he planned on establishing an official base for the Order Ducis.

Then, as an afterthought, Randidly recalled that Naffur came up out of the Orchard. In a second message, Randidly requested Naffur arrange for a new batch of recruits be picked from the Orchard’s lottery system, with the possibility of entering the Order Ducis as a reward.

Those recruits, of course, would come and work for Erickson Steel in the meantime.

When Randidly’s gaze refocused on Tatiana, she noticed his attention and continued to speak. “In terms of number, there are about 600 people living and working on the Erickson Steel campus. About as many again that work in our delivery side, taking our materials and transporting them to different locations. Plus, we have branch members working in most major cities…”

“Well, pull them all back,” Randidly said offhandedly. They needed to reestablish their relationship with the world if they wanted to quickly shake off these annoyances from bothering Erickson Steel. Best to do that from a consolidated state.

As Randidly watched Tatiana slowly turn increasingly pale as she considered the implications of what he just said, Randidly finally took a drink of the liquor that she had given to him. Immediately, a tingling sense of numbness spread across his mouth. Randidly grinned in pleasure.

Not only was the alcohol strong enough to affect his powerful physical body, but he could also immediately feel the tyrannical possessiveness in his heart that demanded retribution against these bugs slowly ease and relax. The anger and vindictive emotions became foggy and drifted away, no longer urging his images to mobilize.

Randidly finished the rest of the glass, enjoying the tingling numbness that spread down to his throat. Honestly, the feeling was quite a lot like having his face touched by the Tinglesilk Gloves…

Even though she was still gritting her teeth, Tatiana recovered enough to speak. “I can see why you would want to lessen the avenues the Zone 1 government can use to strike back… but if we recall our people, we will not sell metal. Without sales, we have no money. Without money, we cannot pay our workers or the bank. We will starve ourselves without those branches in operation.”

“How much better is Erickson Steel than its competitors?” Randidly asked with a small smile.

Tatiana bristled at the question. “Of course, as much as 20% better in turns of strength or reliability at the top end. Less so in the middling products. But-”

“Then won’t people come here on their own accord? Unless they want to use inferior metals.” Randidly said casually. He, too, was unsure if it would work out perfectly, but there were some things that you could only learn by acting. Worrying about it would help not at all.

Besides… He lifted his gaze and peered out a nearby window toward the horizon. Although he looked, what Randidly was really doing was expanding the scope of his Aether scans to scan the nearby train tracks. The tools are all there. All it takes is a Crown and the will to bear its weight.

Very quickly, he found what he was looking for and turned back to Tatiana. “Also, look into getting a working train car for our track. As soon as possible. Customers will need an easy way to get here, for as long as we are going to remain at this location- actually, no, never mind. I’ll take care of it personally.”

“There is another problem,” Tatiana was shaking her head rapidly now, her soft brown hair bouncing wildly. “All trail lines are technically the property of the Zone One government. Possessing a train car is not illegal, but selling or buying one is. We cannot-”

“Tatiana, I won’t be buying a train car.” Randidly sighed. “I get it. You have guided Erickson Steel well; even while targeted on all sides. I can see how difficult it has been. While you were doing that, you could only rely on your wits. Erickson Steel would cease to be if you did not take all the right steps. You played by the rules. But now… we don’t need to play by the rules any longer. I can deal with the consequences.”

It would be much easier to just produce one himself.

Tatiana was quiet for several seconds, looking at Randidly with a confused gaze. “...what does that even mean?”

Tykes hands flexed, as though he was imagining squeezing his huge iron ball. “It means it's time to run wild.”