Chapter 944 (2/2)

Both blurred into motion, activating Skills that gave them multiple high-speed attacks. Yet as that monster twisted above Randidly, Mrs. Hamilton knew in her heart which one of them would end up on top.

Coughing, Decklan’s body was riddled with six holes as he fell backward. Meanwhile, Randidly only had two relatively shallow cuts on him, in addition to the large gash that Decklan originally inflicted. It wasn’t much, but it meant they were catching him.

In addition, Randidly’s expression twitching as Decklan left another corpse floating in the air near him. Simultaneously, Donny produced another corpse and threw it at Randidly’s back.

Right before she detonated the corpses with Corpse Explosion, before Randidly’s spear blurred upward or the roots shot out of the ground to seize the corpse Donny threw at his back, Randidly twisted his head and looked across the arena and looked at her. His eyes were very, very green.

Corpse Explosion.

Even as the force of the Skill rocked the surrounding area and filled the air with more debris, Mrs. Hamilton used hand signals to inform Donny and Glendel of the abrupt change in plans. If I’m not wrong, it seems he finally views me as the biggest threat. Good. That will make the next part of this much easier.

But contrary to her hopes, Randidly didn’t attack her immediately. Instead, another wave of those unpredictable grey blades formed. Except this time, it wasn’t just a handful. Almost two hundred gathered above the spot where the aftereffects of the Corpse explosion still lingered. Without any warning, they exploded outward to rain on the grim-faced troops of Donnyton.

Perhaps even more annoying was the fact that Randidly hadn’t even had the decency to simply rely on numbers to inflict damage. It seemed he actively controlled the blades to weave together in unpredictable patterns, striking in tight clusters at the survivors. While heard the pained cries of her men, Mrs. Hamilton moved her hands and brought her steel wires up to defend herself.

Unfortunately, these blades appeared to be more powerful than the previous waves. As it was, even she was unprepared for the full barrage. Cursing, Mrs. Hamilton raised a hand and used Healing Touch to rapidly close the gash on her arm. It was with a sort of bleak helplessness that she saw that Ptolemy’s leg had been ripped open in that wave as well.

It seemed that perhaps Randidly had concentrated his fire more than Mrs. Hamilton would have thought. Casualties were mounting.

Immediately, Randidly appeared before her with his spear aimed at her heart. Although he was clearly disheveled and bleeding, the intensity in his eyes made Mrs. Hamilton shiver.

At times like this, I wonder why I ever thought we could win, she thought bitterly.

Luckily, Donny and Glendel didn’t appear to have as much difficulty in enduring the blades as she had. Both of them arrived next to her only a small fraction of time after Randidly. While Glendel conjured a powerful Earth Golem spirit, Donny used Aura of a Leader to boost all of their Stats a small amount.

Heedless, Randidly swept forward like a force of nature.

The Earth Golem raised its arms, but it was simply too slow. After smashing one of its legs, Randidly flowed around it like a playful spring breeze. Donny had moved in Randidly’s path, but Randidly avoided a direct confrontation and seemed to used that horrific Skill of his to not even need to dash around Donny. Instead, he ghosted through him and thrust his spear toward Mrs. Hamilton.

Releasing a breath, Mrs. Hamilton held up both hands before her and focused her attention. I’ll only get one chance… Where Force Fails, the Invisible Hand Moves.

It was incredibly inefficient to use her Skill on herself like. To the point that her entire remaining Stamina pool was consumed to move only a small distance to the side. Yet she dared not use the Skill on Randidly; what if he could avoid its effect, too?

Plus, her timing was good enough that what should have killed her simply passed almost immediately next to her. The force of Randidly’s attack knocked Mrs. Hamilton backward in a tumbling sprawl. It was without any grace that she scrambled to her feet, struggling to breathe as she felt Randidly sucking in their strength again.

For a split second, Mrs. Hamilton feared that another blow was about to fall. But when she looked up, Decklan, Paolo, and Kayle were around Randidly, harrying him.

Decklan was too weakened by his wounds and was quickly smashed to the side, but Kayle and Paolo both moved with grim intent. Her earlier order removed the limiter she had placed on their Skills, enabling them to use their true bread and butter Skills.

From Randidly’s expression, he immediately realized that they had saved a few tricks for this challenge. Still, he dodged Kayle’s slash without missing a beat. Then, when Paolo used Domineering Finisher, Randidly simply endured it, releasing nothing but a grunt.

Paolo grinned like he was impressed.

Mrs. Hamilton sent a message to Alana. We don’t have any more time. Get over here, now.