Chapter 911 (2/2)

Bladed Wings IV: It is said that the Great Hunter moved so quickly that he appeared to be flying during his hunts. For his prey, these wings also turned into an executioner’s blade. The greaves effortlessly could strike down weaker foes simply by passing nearby. Strength and Reaction +20.

Glittering Blur III: Such was the speed of the great hunter that many would not even notice his passage. Under orders from the Assembly, he would crisscross the vast land, fighting for the safety of the people. All movement-related Skills will experience a slight boost in Skill Level growth.

Heritage of the Great Hunter III: It is said that the great hunter might have laid down his White-Steel armor, but he still lives and appears before those who bear a portion of his burden. If the wearer continues on this path, it is possible that the gaze of the great hunter will turn to you…

Randidly blinked. Well, that last line was certainly ominous.

Clearly, there was a lot of implicit history in these items. A history that Sam couldn’t have simply made up. More likely he was drawing on blueprints pulled from… somewhere. Yet the System as the source seemed counter to its previous aims.

Even if these images came from actual worlds within the Nexus, it didn’t seem likely that the System would allow them to casually touch Earth and interfere with its growth. Randidly frowned and stared down at the items as he tried to recall the Blessings, how they felt.

That was before he had connected the Blessings to the Aether Spring he had obtained from killing the Tribulation. His Skill with Aether was basically nonexistent. So were his sensing ability. Yet… it was clear that the images that came from the Blessings were constructed of extremely pure Aether. Although there was a guide to the image growth, it wasn’t hardened like Tellus’ Aether had been.

If that wasn’t the case, the four recipients of the Blessings would never have been able to use them. The Aether would have dominated them completely.

Yet the System clearly had pathways for this malleable images to slip through to lower Cohorts.

Did that mean there were exceptions to the embargo on images? But what was special about these images?

Was it possible that these images came from more successful worlds….?

Randidly shook his head. There wasn’t a real answer to this question to be found in his memories. Randidly would need to keep his eyes peeled going forward in order to figure out the details. Yet Randidly’s teeth were set on edge by the thought that the System had managed to slip this by him. And a more worrying possibility occurred to him.

Even if the System wouldn’t let these sort of images connect to Earth, there were no such protections in place for his Alpha Cosmos. If, as according to Randidly’s theories, these images related to the Blessings had previously been implicit and invisible, now they have fully emerged in his mind. Randidly had no doubt that there would be ramifications for his Soulskill.

But that could wait.

For now, he looked up at the expectant Sam. The man was smirking at him. “Speechless?”

“Definitely,” Randidly said with a laugh. He did a few mental calculations as he looked through the four pieces of equipment. Idly, Randidly wondered how much one would have to pay in order to obtain another set of equipment like this. “About five hundred Stats and Attributes? And boosts to regeneration and Skill growth? If everyone in Donnyton had equipment like this-”

“Luckily, I think that’s impossible,” Sam said with a chuckle. Then his face turned more serious. “I used most of the valuable materials I had on had to make these. It will take me about half a year to build up that many quality ingredients again. And…”

Sam trailed off, seeming to struggle with what he wanted to say. Finally, he simply said. “I somehow felt… connected to you. The ideas for what the different items should be were my own, but once I had them… the designs just came to me fully formed. I had to make some allowances based on materials, but-”

“I get it,” Randidly said with a slight nod, his expression revealing none of the foreboding that he felt. It seemed that he had taken those Blessings in the past too lightly. He should have known there would be an eventual cost for that power.

Hopefully, it was one that he could afford to pay.