Chapter 895 (2/2)
The word was spoken with such vehemence that the ground trembled. A large… well, toad, hopped out from under the willow tree and surveyed the guards. Then its gaze shifted to Randidly. “If he is awaiting my pleasure outside… who is behind you?”
In typical lackey fashion, the two guards spun around and gaped at Randidly. Their shock was so visceral that Randidly had a hard time believing it was genuine. With narrowed eyes, he slowly stepped up the staired tunnel and onto dry land. The ground squished pleasantly beneath his bare feet. Was this song and dance done for his benefit? Or-
The Toad Lord, which looked like a grey toad the size of a bear, waved one of its forelimbs. Before Randidly’s eyes, the two guards withered to nothing within a second and two small glittering spheres were ripped out of their desiccated corpses to fly toward the Toad Lord. Without batting an eye, the Toad Lord opened its mouth and its tongue shot out and snagged the orbs.
Not a song and dance then, Randidly thought as he distastefully regarded the corpses. Just foolish guards.
Randidly looked up to find that the Toad Lord was studying him, waiting to see how Randidly responded to the casual show of power. To see whether Randidly would balk at violence. Randidly responded by not commenting at all, simply walking past the bodies and inclining his head. “You must be the Toad Lord of this city. I am the Demon Prince.”
If it was confused by Randidly’s lack of reaction, the Toad Lord didn’t show it. Its mouth opened into a wide expression that was likely the frog version of a grin. “Ah, of course. I am Nirfik. Welcome, welcome. Come through to sit with me in the mud and talk.”
Curiouser and curiouser… Randidly thought as the Toad Lord turned around and lumbered back beneath the shade of the tree. Before he moved, he spared a glance for the dried and consumed corpses. Because what had just happened had been interesting, and likely informed him slightly as to the nature of “Feed”.
He pulled the Aether right out of them… Randidly thought as he walked forward to the tree. I could feel multiple claims to that Aether, and his was strongest. But… how did he leave such a powerful mark on the Aether…? And that Willpower he used...
Also, wasn’t the Toad Lord’s response to Randidly… too amicable? He had come peacefully, but he hadn’t expected to walk in so easily. After all, Neveah had opened this game with the Frog People by killing two of their ruling class. Or was this a game of chicken, to see which of them would flinch first?
Shrugging, Randidly followed after the toad to the tree. He was surprised as he walked into the screened area because he instantly stepped into knee deep mud. Very warm, bubbling mud that appeared to be connected to some sort of hot springs. As he moved, the ground beneath his feel sagged and slid, guiding him deeper.
Without any real sense of urgency, the Toad Lord hopped deeper while spraying large chunks of mud, until it sank almost completely into the mud. Then it turned around and grinned at Randidly with only its eyes and mouth above the mud.
“Please, follow me to the deeper portion of the mud. It is extremely beneficial for the skin. At my age, there is no such thing as being too careful.”
Vanity? Definitely posturing, then. Randidly thought. He grinned right back and waded after the Toad Lord. His metal arm flexed. Even if the Toad Lord planned on using this mud as an opportunity to attack Randidly, he would be sorely disappointed. Woven all throughout the mud were small bits of algae and plant matter. Even now, those gathered to form a protective halo around Randidly.
Randidly was in his natural element.
As Randidly sank down up to his waist, the Toad Lord Nirfik continued to speak. “Tell me about your journey. Has traveling through our world been comfortable-”
“I appreciate your welcoming attitude,” Randidly cut across the Toad Lord’s speech before he could build up a head of steam. Wasting time here wasn’t an activity he needed to engage in. “But I am in a hurry. What did you wish to speak with me about, Nirfik?”
Nirfik’s yellow eyes regarded Randidly, completely inscrutable. “Hoooh? Did you not come here to speak to me? I simply thought to display my generosity by guiding you to my humble abode.”
Randidly pressed his lips together. Fine then. Let’s try the direct method. “I came to fetch someone who is spreading rumors to your Toad Lords. I believe you have spoken to this individual. I would appreciate your cooperation.”
“Someone that I’ve spoken to…? Well, it is possible. But it seems in bad faith to sell out a business partner...What will the other Toad Lords say of me?”
Randidly remained silent, just looking at the Toad Lord known as Nirfik.
Perhaps sensing the shift in Randidly’s mood, Nirfik said, “If I refuse?”
The Toad Lord’s grin grew even as it continued to sink into the mud. Randidly could feel its legs spreading beneath the surface, finding a comfortable position to consider Randidly. Deeper and deeper it sank, its body slowly devoured by the grey-black mud. Very quickly, all Randidly could see were those eyes and that leering mouth.
“Then everyone in this Deep City… will die.” Randidly spoke in a monotone voice as the Crown above his head grew increasingly heavy. To wear the Crown is to choose the Path. And to be bound to follow the Path you have chosen.
Thea cracked her neck as she looked across the plains to the plumes of smoke rising up on the horizon. Donnyton certainly was as peaceful as ever.
Her eyes scanned sideways, regarding the four figures with her. “I suppose it's about time we got started, isn’t it?”
No one answered. They just smiled.