Chapter 842 (1/2)

After meeting and discussing the repercussions of Randidly’s presence on Tellus with Octavius, Randidly was in a foul mood. But he didn’t have much time to dwell on things; there was too much work to be done on Tellus.

The first thing he did was deliver the ring to Rumera. He had some temptation to keep it, just due to the ridiculous stats provided, but Randidly knew that he would soon head back to Earth and Donnyton; there, Randidly didn’t doubt that Sam would have plenty of high-quality equipment prepared for him.

Which he badly needed. All his previous equipment was damaged beyond repair during his fight with Aegiant. Getting an upgrade would be just what the doctor ordered.

Randidly looked down at his basic leathers and cotton tunic. It’s not just my feet that are bare these days...

After visiting with Rumera for a time, Randidly proceeded to meet with Aethon Thai, who was the de facto head of the remaining population of Tellus. In the wake of the battle of Icklid, the Oracle disappeared. So of the leadership of both Hastam and the Northern Camp, only Aethon Thai remained.

“We are so fucked,” Aethon said, head in his hands.

Randidly was inclined to agree, looking at the map that Aethon had before him. Honestly, Randidly didn’t want any part of this either; management was not his strong suit. Even in the beginning, he had relied on Mrs. Hamilton to handle those issues. But, as Shal’s disciple, most people were treating Randidly as one of the leaders in Hastam.

Not that most people knew what he looked like, but when people heard his name they attempted to mob him. Everyone had a son or nephew or granddaughter who would be the perfect disciple or spear attendant...

Besides, for all Shal really fucked Randidly, it wouldn’t be fair to allow Tellus to slowly crumble to pieces while Shal was away. Since Randidly was here, he would try and build something that could last.

“I’m meeting with the C Corp CEO in fifteen minutes about sending work groups to see what salvageable farmland we can scavenge, but it will likely be too late,” Aethon said. “During the fighting, the few remaining Masters and Pontiffs stole most of Hastam’s food stores and fled to the countryside to start their own cities. Without the looming threat of Wights, people are turning on each other and fighting over food. It hasn’t happened yet, but I expect people to riot soon. Personally, I don’t mind suppressing the city; I don’t think anyone remains that can fight me. But… wasn’t the point that we would get away from this? You spoke to him before he left, what did Shal recommend?”

Nothing, Randidly thought sourly, but he kept his face neutral. Sighing, he walked to the window and looked out at the countryside. He left me. Which, will likely be enough. “I can have some people… assist with the food problem. As for the chaos… Shal won on the image of a dream. We need to make a place to feed those dreams.”

“Feed the dreams?” Aethon said with a frown.

Randidly nodded slowly, still looking at the busy streets below. Those that hadn’t left the city were pretending like everything was fine, setting up stalls and selling their belongings in the manner of C Corp, scraping together enough coins for food. Of course, the price of food was rising far too quickly for the unstable currency of Hastam to keep up.

There would be inflation issues very soon, but Randidly wasn’t sure how to address those. But in terms of dreams… well. Earth had given him a very thorough education in dreams.

“You should found a University,” Randidly finally said.

“A university? I am unfamiliar with the term.” Aethon replied.

Randidly turned around. “A place of learning. An Academy. A place where young spear-users can aspire to go. There will be classes, where skilled spear-users instruct any who have the talents to be accepted into the University.”

“Like a big Style?” Aethon asked with a frown.

Shaking his head, Randidly said, “Not exactly. It would be better to be a gathering place for dozens of Styles. And a place where the taboo against teaching Styles widely is wiped away. It will likely be hard to recruit instructors at first, so it should be framed as a testing ground for Styles. To prove which is superior. That will draw in the curious and bold, at least at first. And once it gains momentum…”

“...and if the Styles offered are tempting enough,” Aethon said slowly, “The people that split off to the countryside will be drawn back.”

Randidly nodded. “Because who doesn’t dream about proving their Style the best of all? And the University will help stabilize the currency if you require payment to attend and provide complimentary meals for the attendees.”

“Which brings us back to the food problem,” Aethon sighed.

“Believe me, my people can handle it.” Randidly chuckled. Ignition of the Emerald Essence could turn the countryside into a lush jungle in barely a day. “Two more things. The University… call it Pronto University. And also… I need a favor. I need help locating a specific Style that I owe a debt to.”

To Randidly’s surprise, Aethon was surprisingly helpful on that front. Which allowed Randidly to leave Aethon’s office with a pleased expression. Which swiftly disappeared as he saw the individual walking toward him.

The CEO of C Corp, Claptrap, stared at the ground in front of Randidly, looking sullen.