Chapter 828 (2/2)

In front of the portal were thirteen Witch Kings and one person.

Aiden Darke gritted his teeth and glared at the Spearman. “How could you do this to us? Dooming our entire world to this terrible stasis in order to satisfy your sick ends? For that, I will-”

The Spearman ignored him and turned to face Randidly with a mild expression on his face. “I’m waiting.”

Shal looked at Randidly in askance. Randidly scanned the Witch Kings and noticed one who appeared to be less stick-like below their strange body covering. Randidly nodded imperceptibly and stepped forward.

As the Witch Kings began to howl, a wave of vines and roots ripped out of the ground and smashed the group in twain. With a path open, the Spearman, Ophelia, the Oracle, and Versault didn’t hesitate; they charged forward right through the portal.

Immediately, Randidly heard a loud collision as they met resistance on the other side of the portal, but he focused his attention on the problem at hand: the gathering of Witch Kings at hand that turned to pursue those that already broke through.

With a Phantom Half-Step, Randidly was among them. Acri gleefully sang as it ripped back and forth against the bodies of Witch Kings. They seemed surprised that he moved quickly enough to get at them, and spun around in hissing surprise.

Spectral Claws condensed lightning fast, even as Randidly noticed that Aiden Darke was staring at Randidly in shock. Maybe he was insulted that he was so completely ignored?

But now that Randidly had grown stronger than their prior meetings, Darke really was an afterthought.

Randidly ducked under one Spectral Claw and then used Absolute Timing to weave between the two more Spectral Claws that cut at him, left and right. Then he leapt upward to avoid being mobbed by Psychic Venom. His mouth crept upward as the manic glee of battle infected him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the larger Witch King surround herself with lavender lightning and smash Shal to the side with brute force.

That earned a chuckle from Randidly; Shal really hadn’t been expecting how strong that blow would be. But Lucretia’s form in this world was a little strange. It seemed she kept her old Stats and Skills from Tellus on the one hand, while also being provided with the budding Stats and Skills from Randidly’s world. It had only been about a week, but you gain Skills pretty quickly in the beginning, especially when you are already talented in an area.

Even if she only had 15-20 Skill Levels in the relevant Skills, those small bonuses would mean a lot when the Skill Level was near two hundred. Which meant only one thing: Lucretia’s combined strength stopped her son dead.

But that wasn’t his fight. Randidly focused back on the Witch Kings around him. Emerald fire exploded out from his body as he spun Acri expertly. When a Shadow Departs, Fireflies Dance got him out of another cage of Psychic Venom and put him behind two Witch Kings.

They immediately twisted and lashed out, but only used their physical bodies to do so. Randidly forcibly smashed away the first’s blow and allowed the second’s to scratch harmlessly against Sulfur. Sulfur hummed with pleasure, even as Randidly used that moment to use the Inevitable Phantom Arrives.


Like a ragdoll, the Witch King Randidly struck tumbled backward. Stepping back to avoid another Spectral Claw, Randidly’s spear swept sideways and knocked a Witch King into the way of its companions. Then he activated Verdant Nova, used When a Shadow Departs, Fireflies Dance to move back among the Witch Kings, and then let Verdant Nova explode after its small warm up.

It wasn’t enough force or heat to destroy any of the Witch Kings, but it did stumble several and fill the air with more fire and ash. Randidly’s eyes burned emerald as he summoned three Reach of the Jade Slag to grab and crush three Witch Kings. Then he used Spear Advances, Ash Trails to rip through a wall of Psychic Venom and impale another Witch King.

Randidly winced as the vicious psychological wariness from the venom struck him, but ignored it. With a shake of Acri, the Witch King he had skewered collapsed. Slowly, Randidly turned to face Aiden Darke and the remaining seven Witch Kings.

Aiden seemed stupified. “What… are you…?”