Chapter 793 (2/2)

Why was I past the line? The woman wondered, even as she searched for the right words to say to the tall man.


“Forget it. This was fun, but… I have my place in the Northern Camp, yanno? Who would take care of my crew if I left? And honestly, being with Darrune more than necessary… It’s the worst, right? You are going to regret this. It’s so much better to just… stay here…”

“Rascule…” The woman mumbled. Dawn’s light was slowly approaching. The rays slid over the nearby grass, turning forest green into vermillion. But at the last minute, as the light was about to reach Rascule’s face, the woman turned away.

She knew the face he was making. There was no need to look. For whatever reason, the woman began to cry.

“Well… I guess I should get back. Today’s the extra rations day at the camp. Honestly, it would be- it would be hard to miss that.” This time, Rascule’s words ended in a hiss. Like a bear, he twisted warily back and forth until he could languorously push himself up off the ground. Then, when he was standing, he offered the woman a hand. Rascule’s face was studiously blank.

“Goodluck Yonna. Don’t work yourself too hard.”

Yonna’s throat seemed to close. The best response she could give him was a nod. Then the sun passed the edge of the horizon, and the whole world was filled with light.


Platton glanced at Randidly. “Who are these people?”

“Some strays I gathered. When we arrive at the Death School, I want to build something.” Randidly said with a shrug. “Besides… if Wights have the whole School, then we need to hit hard.”

Grunting, Platton took a closer look at the several thousand spear users that had followed Randidly from the Northern Camp to the fort South of Hastam. Most were skinny like hungry rats, all bones and bright eyes. They certainly possessed armor, but whether they would be able to hold out on the frontlines was a different matter…

“If you believe it’s best…” Platton finally said. “When can you depart?”

“Now, if possible. Shal told me that he had already arranged for suitable transportation? Whenever that is prepared, we can move out.”

“Hmmm,” Platton rumbled. “The transportation has been arranged… but it seems like a fool’s errand. In addition, the provisions we had in the base are nowhere near enough for all of these people. Hell, I am not sure how C Corp managed this long, but even their stores are running dry. This… mission does not seem well advised.”

Randidly looked at Platton. Platton stared back, his eyes serious.

“Randidly, this doesn’t add up. We are barely managing to contain to Wight threat as it is; toward the end, before the Northern Group arrived… Things were bad. And now we get these orders to accompany you on an offensive? Someone wants you out of Hastam. This isn’t a true mission. It’s a death sentence. Even making it to the Death School would be-”

“I know, Platton. “ Randidly said patiently.

“And the orders come from somewhere high, Randidly.” Platton whispers. “So high that even my superior-”

“I know, Platton. Believe me.” Randidly said quietly. Then he turned and looked toward the horizon with a frown. “My Master warned me… He came to me this morning. Truly, something wishes me out of Hastam. But…”

Randidly smiled. “I think they will find that this little challenge isn’t enough to finish me off.”