Chapter 790 (2/2)

“This wasn’t how it was supposed to go-” A pale-faced Skarch mumbled.

Helen grinned. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words.”

To the roars of the crowd, Helen cut Skarch down.


Once more, Darrune somehow tracked Randidly down while he was packing up to go.

“What is it now?” Randidly said lightly. With Helen victorious in the match, even Darrune’s dubious value as a coach had fallen to nothing. Honestly, Randidly had a little bit of an impulse to give Helen some time alone with Darrune now. It would certainly be the reward that she deserved.

But besides that…

The question of Skarch’s Aether still nagged at him. But it was just one of a thousand things he felt like he needed to address. Comparatively more pressing were his goals in the Death School.

When he returned, perhaps he could investigate Skarch then.

“Ah, Sir Ghosthound… I had heard you intend to head out to fight the Wights?” Gone was the confidence that Darrune had possessed during their previous conversation. In its place, he was just… worried.

That softened Randidly’s expression somewhat. “Yes. What of it?”

“You will need soldiers, yes? You cannot do everything by yourself. I understand you have already contacted Captain Platton. In addition-”

“How did you know that?” Randidly asked sharply. He had sent a message to Platton. And yet Darrune was somehow aware of his plans? Immediately his focus sharpened to a point. His powerful Willpower converged on Darrune.

The man whimpered uncomfortably. “I… I simply have acquaintances among his staff. He is… obviously making preparations to accompany you… I… I’m sorry if I have offended…”

Randidly let the pressure drop. That… made sense, he supposed. Platton had steadfastly defended the South approach to Hastam for almost a month. He had acquitted himself admirably. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t need to make preparations before a departure, or tell his superiors…

There was a very feasible excuse for why Darrune would be able to find out. But would Darrune, who had been involved in the Northern Camp, really have the connections to gather that information…? Perhaps.

But that didn’t mean that Darrune was someone who he should trust. “So?”

Darrune nodded hurriedly. “Before I departed from the Northern Camp, I had predicted that you might be fighting against the Wights… I told some subordinates to gather a group together. To be an army for you. I’m not sure how many they-”

“You predicted I would be fighting against the Wights?” Randidly’s gaze turned sharp again. Darrune seemed to bring up more questions with every sentence. For all that Randidly could use the extra manpower to help the Death School, it wasn’t strictly necessary.

It seemed Darrune sensed Randidly’s opinion turning against him. “You… are you not a Pontiff? Pontiff’s are required to go to the front lines occasionally, to thin Wight forces. I thought perhaps if you had some more protection-”

Randidly glared at Darrune to silence him. What Randidly received in exchange was a whimper. The man seemed helpless. Not an ounce of guile in his body. Was what he said true? Randidly never noticed it.

But to be fair, he had always avoided interfering with actual battles where the Spear-users were winning…

And in addition, more bodies would make Randidly’s other plan much easier…

“Fine,” Randidly said lightly. “Let’s go visit the Northern Camp quickly. Show me this army.”