Chapter 743 (2/2)

Randidly’s eye twitched. Ishmael, huh… Ash. Fitting.

“I don’t mean to disappoint, but I’m just a common laborer,” Randidly said slowly. He felt the bubbling power of the Crown of Cataclysm and Gloom, but playing pretty political games wasn’t the reason that he had come down to his Soulskill. He was here to understand the problems the Ashen Image was causing first had. It was an issue he had ignored for too long.

Now he was to gaze his foe full in the face while he waited for his plants to grow in the dark world above. Still, that was mostly in an observational role. He didn’t have enough of an understanding of what was going on to directly counter the Ashen Image. That required an answer he hadn’t yet found. There were hints floating around, but…

“There can be no mistake,” Lazar said, and now there was a burning light of fanaticism in his slightly leathery gaze. “You… you burn, sire. I feel the heat of you from here.”

Inwardly, Randidly felt extremely annoyed. Rejt had slowed to a stop and was now gazing at his hands pointedly, trying to not attract attention. It wasn’t a big deal if Randidly had been confronted about this alone, but since Rejt had heard, he would tell Kurag and Allica-


Randidly frowned. If he truly looked so much like this Monster Prince… Ah, that explained Allica’s pointed look about the Monster population in Carthak. She was already fooled into believing that he was a Prince, then.

Strangely, this only made Randidly feel more aggrieved. If she thought he was royalty, then why the hell was Rejt making more in daily wages than he was…?

So denials would fall on deaf ears. Fine then. Perhaps it was time to reveal a fraction of the hand that Randidly was holding.

It was akin to relaxing the grip he held on himself. After all, this world was an intimate part of Randidly. Just by being here, the elements and images that constituted the place sang to him. With extreme focus, he had thus far isolated himself from touching this world so he would stay in his role as observer. There was an electric shock as that connection was restored. Then there was a dull buzzing.

Then the entire chapel went still as the fabric of the world realized it was in the presence of a god. Randidly looked slowly up at Lazar, his emerald gaze luminous.

Although Lazar could clearly recognize something had changed, he predictably misinterpreted. Without missing a beat, he fell to one knee. “Ah, my prince! Thank the Progenitor you are safe. We had received word of the troubles in the capital… it seems your cousin will not give up his false claim, eh? But if you are here, all is well. Indeed, it seems that you have decided to agree to your Chancellor’s plans? With the High King slain and his kin destroyed, it would not take much for this Land to fall under your sway…”

Randidly remained still even as Rejt looked sharply up at the two of them. With a light touch, he reached out for not his crown, but for the tool to inspire the touch of awe that he needed. The Deific Mien of Yggdrasil.

The wind slowly shifted, turning the sharp and high noise it had previously been producing to something lower and more urgent. The world felt Randidly’s will moving and flowed around him to fulfill it.

Lazar blinked furiously. It truly seemed like he was trying to speak, but the weight of Randidly’s existence was too much for him to continue.

This is why these people feel hopeless. Randidly thought sadly, as his emerald gaze held Lazar frozen. Greed and small minded people bleeding the land so they can have that sense of control. When all you know is the threat of an attack… you begin to believe that the only way that you can control your fate is to attack. To control the world… you simply are the best at attacking…

Alta’s face flashed in Randidly’s mind. In spite of himself, he smiled wryly. That sentiment was slowly consuming this Soulskill, but he still felt somewhat helpless to combat it directly. He clearly knew that there was more to life, but he needed the image to fuel change in his Soulskill at this point.

With the smile, the binding on Lazar was released, and he fell backward coughing. Ignoring him, Randidly turned to Rejt. “How long?”

“How long did we know you were a prince… Hum…” Rejt seemed to think deeply about the question for several seconds. Then he shook his head helplessly. “Let me cut to the chase, Randidly. You are terrible at disguises. All Earth Golems know that Monsters are foul creatures that smell like ass. Since you showed up just slightly grubby, it was clear you were at least royalty-”

“Impudent,” Lazar roared, leaping to his feet. Randidly cast him a casual glance backed with the power of the Deific Mien of Yggdrasil and he instantly deflated like a balloon with a hole in it.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

A figure walked out of the shadows to stare at Randidly. “To think you would dare rush here to stop me, Prince Ishmael. But I’m afraid… it is far too late.”