Chapter 635 (2/2)
Win and survive, Randidly’s emerald eyes responded.
After seeming to reach an agreement, the glum Sergeant Platton watched as Silo moved off into the mist. The group hunkered down to wait. Randidly hissed softly. People were moving nearby, wandering in a slow circle around a base. Likely a lazy patrol.
Two tense minutes passed as Randidly considered striking at them. It now seemed clear that Silo went ahead alone, but Randidly would rather be damned that give away their position before Silo did. As they moved closer, he began weighing the possibilities of hitting them with Spearing Roots, with the intent to kill them quietly. But at the last moment, the two Wights swerved and moved up.
Randidly released the sigh he was holding. At that same moment, a clamor was raised towards the center of camp. The activity of the Wights nearby exploded into buzzing activity.
“Fuck it, going in rough,” Sergeant Platton growled. Azriel and Randidly exchanged a glance and a smile.
When did it happen any other way…?
The group began to race forward as a huge growl swept through the island. The noise was so loud and deep that it sounded like a powerful bass speaker. There was a vibration in Randidly’s bones. But Sergeant Platton didn’t pause as he rushed forward, so neither did the rest.
To soften up resistance, Randidly felt the groups with his Plant Dominance and hit them with an Incendiary Eruption. In quick succession, he exploded almost 15 small groups, but suddenly there were shouts of panic from the Wights. The movements turned sluggish as the soldiers believed a mass attack was occurring, and couldn't locate the direction.
But their dash was well timed; the Wights closed behind them in defensive formations. Reinforcements streamed towards the edges of the camp, and their group reacted quickly to weave their ways through the stragglers. It seemed that someone in their group also possessed powerful Perception because they accurately avoided the groups.
To keep the Wights guessing, Randidly lowered himself to 50% Mana and blew up several more groups at the edge.
The growl came again, but this time with a vastly increased volume. In addition, the mist in the nearby area was blown away. A body whizzed backward, twisted and broken. The group skidded to a stop. Belatedly, Randidly’s eyes reported to him that the body that was smashed sideways was Silo.
“Dear god,” Skarch whispered beside Randidly. Above them, a form spread upwards. It was humanoid in shape, but the limbs were contorted and thin, like a stick bug. But in terms of size, the thing was as large as a giraffe. Its arms especially were thick and strong looking, and they ended in pointed fingers.
The monster's eyes were three white orbs, two in the eye sockets, and a third up between them. Quite like… Shal.
“This is my mistake.” Sergeant Platton said gravely. His voice was pitched normally, as there was no more point to stealth with this thing staring down at them. “They never were building defensive formations… this is a breeding facility.”
“Pro…” Azriel’s face was white, but her voice was almost… excited. “Propagator….”
Again, the Propagator above them bellowed its fury. A concussive force slammed into Randidly, and he backed up a few steps. Gritting his teeth, he raised his spear and pointed it at the monster.
“No,” Sergeant Platton interrupted. “None of us are its match. We need to retreat.”
Before he had even finished, the Propagator’s body blurred. By the time he had finished, two of the members of his squad were crushed beneath the Propagator’s hand. Those pale orbs loomed down, studying them seriously.