Chapter 593 (1/2)

Regina Northwind sat in the chair, staring up at the ceiling.

“...there are times where the function of the individual is anecdotal to the current eventualities in a way that encourages others to imitate. Other times, the very presence of the individual at the pinnacle of the known world will act as a dampening agent that prevents the likely and necessary progress that so happily results from humans left to their own devices.

“It is a matter of availability. Or rather, of foundational qualities. When one looks at those paragons of heroism and asks ‘How did she/he do that?’ this reflection may serve as an impetus for further action. It will become the beacon of motivation that drives a determined individual forward even in the darkest of nights. At some point, those precious few individuals affected by such an ambitious muse will lose their sense of motivations in the motions of productions; they simply become a necessary detail of a greater act of chasing a goal.

“Those are the humans who move us forward.

“However, in some heroes, we find qualities that become more oppressive and bewildering than aiding. Those heroes are seen and the populace acts with apparent disbelief. ‘How did these actions lead to this?’ They ponder. The summit lies so far ahead that the mountain consumes one’s mind and vision; there are no perceived Paths forward. Humanity’s feet still as they crane their necks upwards to catch a glimpse of the long sunbeams that slant down from the top.”

Mrs. Hamilton stopped reading and looked up at Regina with a half smile on her face. “She certainly must be applauded for her audacity, if only for her work and weaving System elements into these… declarations. What do you think?”

“About the Chivalric Orders?” Regina paused, considering it. She rubbed her stomach idly. It was somewhat unbelievable to her, even now, that she could have a baby. She wondered what complications she was aware of from her past life to late life children would be applicable. “It’s… somewhat of a masterstroke for Franksburg, if it passes. No longer will it constantly live in the shadow of Donnyton.”

Mrs. Hamilton’s smile widened. “Well… I don’t think it is that simple for equity to come to pass… but I believe the girl was aware of that possible eventuality when she wrote this.”

“I’m just surprised she chose to lay the foundation for an Oligarchy. Franksburg is already establishing itself as a vocal supporter of Democracy, or at least a classic Republic. How did she manage to have the council pass this?” Regina asked, scratching her chin.

“Perhaps with the truth. That it is aimed at Donnyton. If our best and brightest leave to join a Chivalric Order… that’s basically what is happening to everyone else, so why not try and make us bite the same bullet?”

Regina frowned at the other woman. “So we will refuse to acknowledge the Orders? But then-”

“Of course not,” Mrs. Hamilton hummed as she wrapped her knuckles against her wooden chair. The two of them sat at Regina’s dining room table as a pot of bear-ish stew boiled in the other room. “I’m going to recommend that we affirm this. Becoming knights and things seems like fun. Did you read the details? I appreciate her flair. Cadets, Knight-Errants, Gallants, Chevaliers, Paladins, Abbots, and finally Prelates at the top? Those are fine labels. Fine Paths.”

Regina’s face turned more serious. “...the reason you are doing this is for… System-related reasons?”

“Yes. Well, and because she extended a peace offering by sending this to us first.” Mrs. Hamilton looked down at the neatly written letter. She stared intently at the paper for several seconds, then shook her head. “I have no doubt that she sent this with the full knowledge that if we agreed, we would immediately move to found at least two of these orders, likely Valorem and Sapientia. Valor and Wisdom. Then-”

Mrs. Hamilton’s gaze turned to the window, and her eyes were blank and grey. Regina said nothing, waiting for the other woman to speak. It took a minute, but finally, Mrs. Hamilton smiled.

“Ah, smart. No doubt Franksburg will found an order themselves. East End will soon follow. And I am told that Ms. Tessa is currently in Zone 1. Likely to encourage other to found Orders. It will involve politics in both Zones, if slowly…”

“Why? Based on the proposal, this Council of the Orders can only make decrees about other Orders; it really has no political power outside of themselves.” Regina said. “Even if power shifts to the Orders, that’s a slow game, and she running very quickly to finish things.”

As they generally did, Mrs. Hamilton’s eyes turned West. Regina knew the other woman was feeling for the Ghosthound.

Mrs. Hamilton chuckled to herself, shaking her head. “I have a few ideas. This… might be about dispersing some of Donnyton’s power by drawing people away towards orders that attract them, but it is also aimed directly at Randidly in a very personal way.”