Chapter 484 (2/2)

“You know,” Alan said, interrupting Hank’s thoughts, “Ghost had run a lot of simulations, based on available information. According to his calculations, we are in the 72nd percentile of possibilities. That means that 38% of other Zones might be-”

“Bah,” Hank scoffed. “We both know that those statistics are bullshit. They are based on the premise that others had a comparable amount of ammunition and foodstuffs prepared in their area, and people with the training to use the supplies effectively. It’s meaningless. How have you convinced yourself your daughter is going to save the world, Alan? She’s-”

“She’s my daughter,” Alan said, his voice rumbling dangerously. “True, the stats don’t paint an accurate picture. But they illustrate the real danger that there will be other Zones that could reach our Level of power, even if they are likely below us in technology. If a violence-crazed warlord rose to power in the vacuum left by the System-”

Then Alan forcibly stopped himself, seeing Hank about to speak. They had this conversation in 1000 ways, 1000 times. They did not agree. Finally, Alan simply said, “Dr. Karman was assassinated, Hank. We never caught the killer. If things hadn't- god, if we had devolved into a civil war…. Even Ghost was clueless. But it cannot be denied that the culprits were looking to sew chaos.”

They were both silent for a long second. Both remembered the two months following the death of the respected doctor, and how quickly things had almost dropped out from under them, leaving the government hamstrung by cutthroat politicians and short-sighted scientists who would have lost the entire forest for their own individual tree.

But they made it passed that, albeit barely.

“If something… if they took Jane… I…” Alan said, his face bleak, some of his professional facade falling away. Hank wondered how much of the reveal was contrived, but at least he believed that Alan genuinely felt that worry for Jane. Hank knew he himself did, and couldn't imagine that the father of that bundle of joy would feel any less.

Deciding to remain silent, Hank just stared at the ground, abruptly too tired to argue. That was why he continued to work as a sheriff, even as he was largely disgraced. Because there were people in this Zone worth protecting. Children like Jane, and that kid from yesterday. Innocents who knew nothing of the backstabbing and the posturing, who were struggling under the weight of their Tier 1 status to survive in this new, regimented world.

And if he had to support this corrupt system, to do it…

Closing his eyes, Hank pictured Jane’s smiling face earlier when she had realized she had ice cream on her nose.

“Why did you call me here?” Hank said, his voice gravelly.

Alan straightened, turning back to Hank. After coughing, he said, “ you know, we have two main expeditions heading out in two days to explore the new areas available to us, after our Zone joins the reconstructed Earth. This was done after Ghost’s careful calculations, and all of the members of those are already selected. But… after some explanations from us beings of flesh… Ghost was persuaded that there might be cause for a third expeditionary force. You would be in charge.”

There were so many reasons that Hank wanted to refuse, he was momentarily frozen as he decided which was the most pressing. The hassle of leading such a force first off, beyond that the political niceties that he wouldn’t have time for, and also the pointlessness of these mining expeditions…

Besides, as far as Hank was aware, all the Dungeon Divers of note were already part of the first two forces; only dregs would be left for the third.

Alan held up a hand. “Wait, I can already see you jumping to conclusions. It won’t be large, like the others, at most 5 people. Your group would be designed… for other reasons. You would remain on standby for now, and only move when a second Zone connects to another world.”

Hank’s eyes flickered with recognition. Then he frowned. “...What did you have in mind? It wouldn’t be a political delegation, not if you are sending me. You know me better than that. You also know that I have no mind for business, so any trading beyond some small things I have, that couldn’t be it either. So I have to assume that we will be involved in some sort of espionage. or assassination.”

Alan sighed. “Don’t be dramatic. You are going for your Pathfinding Skill. What we will need to identify the best route between the two Zones, through what will likely be very dangerous territory. Once there, I would expect you to have enough common sense to contact whatever powers that be there, but only to lead their agents back to us, so we can communicate. I’d prefer that you take the time between now and another Zone connects to familiarize yourself with the areas we can explore in two days, but if you insist on your two-bit crusade for justice-”

“I do,” Hank affirmed.

“-just consider it alright?”

Sneering, Hank said, “Who is askin’?”

Alan seemed to age before his very eyes. “...just your brother, Hank. You are the best man for this job. I’d appreciate if you helped me out on this.”

Slowly, Hank shook his head. He pointed at a dossier on the table. “This is supposed to be my comrades? Heath hates my guts and would butcher a stranger as soon as give him the time of day. And Ezekial? I’ve never met him, but I’ve heard the rumors. He’s more monster than man, at this point.”

Alan pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, sat down in his leather chair, and turned forward, facing Hank face on. “Fine. Then here are your orders, from the President of the UHF. Meet your allies. Position yourself in one of the border cities. Because as soon as some Zone connects to the world, you are going there. You are dismissed.”