Chapter 475 (2/2)

Whereas the Class was the ‘Physical’ aspect of Aether growth, the Soul Skill was the ‘Mental’. It related powerfully to the images he used, the type of Skills he could use, and the efficacy of those Skills. As such, Randidly fully intended to try and bring his Soul Skill and his Class more closely into line.

When it came to images, Randidly had gradually realized that the trick was not to make something from nothing but to have your something and shift your perspective on it. Only then, would you see that it was something else this whole time, and you could make use of this more powerful image, fully formed.

So when he looked at what Lucretia spoke of a fully charged Skeleton Key at the core of the Soulskill, he didn’t see a key, or a power plant dangerously close to a cataclysmic core meltdown, Randidly saw a seed.

A seed that was ready to finish germinating.

“Grow,” He whispered, and for a blinding second, the world burned emerald.

Then the rumblings in the Soul Skill increased in intensity, the world splitting as huge branches lifted upwards, separating enormous tracts of land. The tree that was rapidly growing was surprisingly gentle, lifting the seven new continents upwards. Thin tendrils from the tree sunk into the landmasses, and pumped energy and life into them, both increasing the size of the lands, but also filling them with generations-old plant life.

Below him, Randidly could feel the panic and awe in equal measure radiating up off of the people on the different landmasses. Distantly, he could feel a few of their lights snuffed out, as some were killed in the transition. That set his teeth on edge, but there was little that he could do about it. This was an unavoidable stage of growth for him. He could not back away from it.

It hurt, how callous he was becoming. But he filed that hurt away, for examination later.

A powerful golden trunk formed as the landmasses were buoyed upward. From the bottom, roots emerged and plunged downward into the darkness of the Soul Skill, and from nothing, a vast sea sprung into existence. Instantly, the roots spiraled downwards, through the choppy water of the sea and sinking into the fabric of space beneath it, anchoring itself.

Seven branches rose upwards, each holding a landmass. With exaggerated care, Randidly took that construct of Aether of the Creature, splitting it into three pieces, running through the core of the tree. But the bulk of those three pieces were in the top, middle, and bottom of the landmasses. These landmasses were each about ⅓ the size of the previous world, which meant the land area available to the peoples of his Soul Skill had doubled and then some.

The bottom landmass, the one closest to the water, instantly frosted over, a strange flow of energy emerging from the portion of the Skeleton Key there. Very few life forms remained on that continent, and those that were there were mostly warped by the energy from the Skeleton Key and became the stuff of nightmares.

The second from the bottom landmass was populated by monsters, which swiftly began exploring their new region. Although it seemed difficult to Randidly, he could see how one could traverse the branches of the central tree to travel from one landmass to the other, although you would have to proceed upwards or downwards in order. Therefore, those monsters would be the buffer between the other races and these strange, emerging nightmares.

Above the Monster Landmass was the White Hunter’s Abode. They cared little about racial difference, preferring to stay to their small, nomadic groups. They would likely be the best neighbors the monsters could hope for.

Above the White Hunters were the Spriggits, and also the second portion of the Skeleton Key. The energy it was emitting was less than the bottom one, but it was enough that the Spriggit scientists would likely soon create something that would give Randidly a headache.

Above the Spriggits was the Swamplings continent, and above them were the Earth Golem people. Finally, the highest continent was relatively uninhabited for now, aside for the small population of frightened refugees from the Creature’s invasion. Near them, the third and final Skeleton Key sat, seemingly completely inert.

Slowly, the growth of the tree became less and less, until these continents hanging from the branches of this great golden tree settled into place. It was perhaps not a tree of enmity, Randidly reflected, but it would bring several of his images into line, which was undoubtedly good for his growth potential.

Congratulations! Your Soul Skill the Four Shaded Clockwork World has evolved into the Seven Lands of the Spectral Tree! Your Paths have led you forward, and you have moved far and away from the trails left for you by those that come before. Take this as both a warning and as vindication; the arc of you lays beyond the kin of lesser beings. Good luck.