Chapter 445 (2/2)
Then he walked away.
Randidly was slightly confused at the details, but it seemed like some of the time acceleration in his inner world was maintained even while he was in it. So even though he spent three days in his Soul Skill, speaking individually with the different leaders of the races, only a few hours had passed in the outside world.
Initially, he was quite excited about this, until he realized that he didn’t truly have a body, and was unable to grind any Skills while he was there. All he could do was speak, basically. There was no substance or Aether to him, which didn’t make ANY sense to Randidly, as he was what composed the whole of the world.
But there had to be balance somewhere, so he could only sigh as he was stuck with this wasted time. It wasn’t like there were many things to do except grind low Leveled Skills outside of his inner world, but… he felt slightly stressed about the fact he was just a puppet out there right now. Still, he had some confidence that the Creature wouldn’t make a move until it had to.
So he stayed in the inner world, and for the first time, was a teacher, in different ways to different people. It was decided that he would dedicate 8 hours to each of the leaders, to be used as they wished, to improve their strength, either their individual strength or the strength of their army. It was… strange, especially because everything he had learned from his father, or from Shal, about teaching seemed… inappropriate.
Instead, he adopted the attitude he cultivated around Alana: that of an intimate superior, offering pointers.
The Golem twins were the easiest, they simply wanted to learn his spear moves. And although it was slightly selfish… Randidly gave them his first self-created spear move, the Spear Advances, Ash Trails. It was a very basic, brutal, unrefined thing, but that suited their powerful, raw bodies much more than the Spear Phantom Style.
They were delighted with it, and within the first hour, they had both mastered it. For another hour they basically jousted with each other, while testing their Skills, and then they demanded to use it against him, so he could feel it.
Which, seemed slightly pointless to Randidly, but it was their 8 hours, so.
So he stood and was skewered over and over again, the spears passing harmlessly through his stomach as they passed. While it was initially very amusing, by the end of the 8 hours they had absorbed his advice and were slowly warping the move to be their own. To the point that their movements were so fast that Randidly had difficulty following it with the eyes of his strange, projected body.
Even if he were really here, they might still be overwhelmingly strong.
The White Hunter Champion, Melody, and the Spriggit Thief were both much more orthodox, simply wanting his opinion on their fighting style. The White Hunter was perhaps the easier of the two because she wanted to understand where his powerful Control came from. He couldn’t just say high Stats, so they started talking more nitty gritty over what it was to maintain awareness constantly, to feel that constant tension.
Then to separate yourself into 1000 component parts that simply had one action, ingrained with muscle memory for simplicity, and then have a central consciousness that reached out and touched each movement as it was needed. It was a trick that Randidly had learned to make use of his monstrous Willpower and Control, and the White Hunter was fascinated.
By the end of the 8 hours, Randidly didn’t know if it had helped her, but she had bowed deeply to him before departing.
To the Spriggit Thief, he taught her, as well as he could, the Spear Phantom’s Embrace. She was… perhaps the most short-tempered pupil, very quickly becoming frustrated when she didn’t understand something, but she was also oddly stoic about it, turning her anger and annoyance inward.
It was strange to Randidly, too, that of all the people here, the Spriggit Thief was the oldest, almost 60 according to her, even if she looked only in her late 30s. Not that Randidly knew much about how Spriggits aged, but…
He had watched her, as a teenager, almost die. And this whole time, while Randidly had been gaining a Class, and moving into the Raid Dungeon, she was living her life, almost into the twilight of her years, wearing his blessed weapons. She even still had that special spear that absorbed meaning to produce energy or vice versa, although that was given to the Monster King to use, as he was the best in close combat.