Chapter 415 (2/2)
A few feet behind those two, there were two others. The first was a young woman with caramel colored skin, her eyes covered in a rough looking cough. Next to her, glaring at Randidly's group, was a young boy no older than 10.
”What is your business here,” The central man said in an authoritative voice, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. ”It appears... you are a long way from home.”
Randidly opened his mouth to speak then paused, thinking better of it. The presence of people here... was profoundly interesting. It was a curious thing that this Dungeon seemed to just be in an area of a world. It made a certain amount of sense because it couldn't be much more impressive than what the System had already done, splitting their world into different Zones. Perhaps there was such a split in this area. There could even be a barrier at the edges that would stop the Dungeon Divers, but let the normal citizens of this world through. The ability of the System to create miracles was not something that Randidly wanted to underestimate.
While the details of this fascinated Randidly, they also filled him with a sense of foreboding. If they DIDN'T know they were in a dungeon... is it possible that other creatures would show up in their Zone at some point, killing things, looking for a way to obtain the Key of Death they needed.
If they DID know... was this perhaps an outcome for a world after the Calamity descended...? Could they simply become a dungeon for other people to use to grow stronger...?
After allowing the silence to stretch for around 10 seconds, Ace jumped in, ”Yes, we've traveled far to reach this place... we were hoping that we might be able to take shelter in your village for the night.”
Snorting, the man said. ”Hmph, does this level of opponents truly bother you? If so, you will be devoured before you can leave the area. There is a blight upon this land, and they likely already have word of your arrival.”
”Well... perhaps these are some brave souls seeking eternal life? Taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of our Lady Zith?” The woman with the cloth over her eyes asked, stepping forward. ”We cannot turn away souls seeking a salvation from this cursed land. Plus, since they have the strength to make it here...”
The woman trailed off, and the well-armored woman spat to the side but said nothing.
With an awkward smile on his face, Ace continued. ”...Yes, we have come here seeking a salvation. Any port in a storm, right?”
Randidly wanted to facepalm at the Ace's immediately dismissive attitude towards religion, but to Randidly's surprise, although his face twisted in a grimace, the mustached man also nodded.
Meanwhile, the woman with covered eyes was nodding as well. ”we do not begrudge anyone for their reasons for clinging to hope; we are just happy that there are so many people here who are willing to fight to gain eternity with us.”
Randidly paused, tapping his jaw. They were... inviting the group to join a cult...? He supposed there were worse ways to obtain entrance to the village, which would give them access to greater information...
”That's all well and good...” Finally, the woman who was covered in weapons spoke, her voice low and hoarse. Randidly frowned. It sounded as though she had been injured in the past, and that had slowly healed, leaving either her vocal cords or lungs with a flaw. Yet to still have the air of danger about her... just how powerful would she have been at the peak of her strength...?
”But... how about you recall your guards to join you yes? As Dalton said, there are much more dangerous monsters in the surrounding area than the riff-raff you have likely fought. Better organized, mean, and looking to tear the world to shreds. It would be a shame if an... accident befell them.”
A threat...? Or an accurate description of what could happen here...? It was a little difficult to parse apart everything, but it was enough of a show of strength that they were aware of the other group for Randidly to agree to it.
So they stood, waiting, while Ace made several awkward attempts at small talk that filled in a few of Randidly's questions, but not all of them. Still, this was enough to go on for now, while they waited.