Chapter 414 (2/2)
After one more quick scan by Thea, it was decided. Which made Randidly relieved, because he had a few confusing notifications of his own to parse apart. It was slightly annoying that there had been this much hesitation in regards to the distribution, but it was easy to forget that Thea especially was extremely young and shy. Her recent ferocity was almost blinding in its intensity, so her milder side faded to the background.
The milder side of everything was quickly overrun in the wake of the System…
After giving word to make camp, Randidly looked at his notifications, specifically the second set. At the beginning of the day, Randidly had reached Level 4, as he pushed through the stronger enemies in the forest to arrive at the elf people village. But after this most recent fight, he had reached Level 5, and that wasn’t all.
Congratulations! You have reached Level 5! +5 Stats distributed between Vitality, Perception, Resist, Intelligence, and Control, +3 Free Stats! +1 Stat to a Mental Stat. +1 to a Physical Defense Stat. +1 to a Mental Support Stat. +1 Control. +20 Health, +24 Mana, +23 Stamina, +.5 to all Regenerations! +1 to Health and Stamina Regeneration! +20 Progenitor’s Influence. You have gained the Skill “Phantom’s Lantern (Un) Lvl 1”. You have gained the Skill “Grasp of Lava ® Lvl 1”. You have gained the Skill “Erode Image (L) Lvl 1”.
Phantom’s Lantern (Un): Create a small spirit that floats in a spot. Acts as a relay for the creator’s senses. The creator can consciously shift his focus to the Lantern, and gather sensory information. Lanterns have a small amount of mobility while the creator is using them. Lanterns are easily dispersed. Costs 400 Mana. Lanterns do not disperse on their own. Mobility increases with Skill Level. Survivability increases with Skill level.
Grasp of Lava ®: Cause a hand of lava to erupt from the ground, grabbing enemies and crushing them. Extremely effective at dealing with single enemies. The temperature in the nearby area will vastly increase. Speed and size of effect will increase with Skill Level. Temperature shift will increase with Skill level.
Erode Image (L): When dealing with an opponent who uses an image, strike directly at the image, weakening it. Mana costs depends on strength of the image. Repeated use causes permanent damage to the target’s image, and might cause their Skill level to drop.
Randidly whistled softly. Not only did he receive 3 Skills out of the blue, but two of them seemed extremely overpowered. Having the Lanterns would give him the ability to scout the Raid Dungeon quickly, and the Erode Image Skill… it was a legendary Skill that could attack the other’s Skill levels directly…?
It would be something that he would want to experiment with, but if it really caused damage to the recipient, finding someone to agree might be a bit…
So rather than getting all of his Skills from his Class at once…. It appeared that he got another set of Class Skills at 5, containing the other half of his additions to his Class. Which was nice in a way, because it meant that he wouldn’t need to use any of his non-Class Skill slots, when he kept acquired new Skills…
But it also meant he had more Skills to train…
Truly, the grind was endless.
Humming to himself, Randidly tapped his teeth. This Erode Image Skill… who had given him the addition that had granted it to him…? Of all the additions, it would appear that this was the most powerful, because the SKill was the highest rarity, but that might just be due to the rarity of the effect it provided, rather than the magnitude. Still, if he could have it grow to the point where it was useful against enemies…
Randidly smiled widely, remembering how that Master level opponent had shattered his Skill in his attempt to kill Aethon Thai.
They would pay for underestimating him.