Chapter 389 (2/2)
Coppernicus clicked his teeth together as he shifted his chess piece, positioning it to take Drake’s rook. Drake frowned.
“I’m not sure why I ever agree to play this game with you.” Drake said, shaking his head. They were sitting in the dining room of the small castle that they had made their headquarters, idly letting the time pass. Around them, the Village was in a constant state of preparation. Ever since they had sided with the Skeleton Knight, and lost, Sydney had pushed them hard towards militarizing the entire population.
It had gone surprisingly well, all things considered. The people of East End were a bitter, stubborn people, as half of the population had come over from the failed Village while the Hero was still alive, and polarizing the people around him.
Still, the backlash they expected did not come. Most everyone was too concerned with monsters, or their business, or even surviving to hold a grudge for what happened with the Champions, which was seemingly now on hold, while this Raid Dungeon issue was resolved.
Coppernicus suspected things weren’t that simple, but now wasn’t the time to dig. It was hard for him to believe that the people of Star Crossing, who were attacked more directly than the other Villages, wouldn’t have a strong response to their exposure to danger. Just the presence of a live Dungeon, spewing monsters between them had done a lot to stem their willingness to seek revenge.
That, and their fearless leader, Sydney.
“Because we are waiting. Sharpening yourself is preferable to simply wasting away in the meantime.” Coppernicus said, stroking the bones of his chin. Recently he had unlocked a Skill that allowed him to absorb other bones, and he was in the midst of considering how much to do that. Coppernicus suspected that if he followed that path, very quickly he would no longer even appear to be human. With interaction already difficult, that might have him labeled as a monster, and hunted, which would be… inconvenient.
Of course, that wouldn’t happen as long as Sydney was around, but…
“What I don’t get,” Vandal said, sitting up from his beanbag chair he had insisted on bringing down here. “Is why we are waiting! What are we waiting for?”
Drake’s frown let Coppernicus know that the guard captain had been thinking similar thoughts, although likely for different reasons. Vandal simply was a teenager who was used to getting his way. Meanwhile, Drake had noticed the differences in Sydney’s behavior of late, and was worried by the implications.
Coppernicus was more in Drake’s camp than Vandal’s, but he had to admit that he would have preferred to be more active during this time. Instead… they simply prepared. But really, that was the most productive thing to do-
The door to Sydney’s office swung open, and the owner walked out. All three individuals turned to look at her, startled. Even Coppernicus couldn’t deny that this caught him by surprise. After all, it had been quite some time since he had seen Sydney leave her office. It was a power ploy, an extremely effective one. She was a person who remained in her inner sanctum, not because she was afraid of the outside, but rather because there was no need to leave. Everything she needed would come to her.
“Where,” Sydney hissed in frustration, glaring at them all, “the fuck is he?”
Then, without any explanation, she turned around, walked back into her office, and slammed the door.
“Ah, damn.” Drake said, standing up. Then he sighed and sat back down. “I forgot to mention, another letter came from the Refuge. Not through Rose this time; it looks like Dauntless wrote it himself. She probably would-”
“Break your back for bringing it up,” Vandal said quietly, and Coppernicus was inclined to agree, but he said nothing and listened to the other man speak.
“-appreciate knowing that even that bastard can admit he’s wrong.” Drake finished.
A good point, Coppernicus thought, turning away from them both, and looking out the stone windows to the lush valley below them. But Sydney wouldn’t have appreciated it. The man known as Dauntless was brittle and broken, and she would never forget that.
At the time it had happened, Coppernicus had been rather shocked how well she had taken it. But as time went on, it was clear that Ace was not the man that was held in highest esteem in Sydney’s heart. No… there was another.
And now that boy made her wait. And they all had to pay the price.
“Play again?” Coppernicus asked Drake moving his bishop to place him in checkmate. The other man only sighed.