Chapter 380 (1/2)
Razor didn’t think this man would murder him in the public like this, but surely there was something hidden here. With a sick sensation in Razor’s stomach, he examined the pile of meat, which seemed to suddenly take on a sinister color. With a man of ill repute like this, it was hard to know what sort of sources this meat could have come from…
Perhaps… even a low level sheep…
Shivering, Razor crossed himself, hoping against hope that the meat that this man was peddling was at least Level 20 while alive. There was no way that Razor’s delicate and refined palette could handle anything less. And based on the evidence…
Although the smell was extremely appetizing, the wood of the small shop was of poor quality, and the level of the counter part of the stall was slightly tilted. Razor wrinkled his nose in distaste, but that heavenly smell filled it again, lifting him off the ground and pulling him a step closer.
“Uh…” Two sides of him were at war, his eyes and his nose. But ultimately… a true chef lived through the nose, so Razor could only close his eyes in defeat. “I would like one of the burgers, as well as a serving of the veggies.”
“Sure, sure.” The man said, nodding, and moving to the task. To the man’s credit, he moved with an obvious grace, as he adroitly separated out a patty’s worth of meat and threw it over the fire. In addition, Razor didn’t miss the small amount of spices mixed into the meat. Immediately the smell intensified, and Razor raised his eyebrows.
Who was this man…? This level of spice mastery was unheard of in Donnyton. Not that the small restaurants here were bad, but… it was mostly just a side thing run by people with the brewing Skill. Food went well with beer and spirits. Meanwhile, this man was on the level of opening his own shop, just based on the smell…
...if the taste could match it, then…
Razor shivered, unwilling to be done in so easily by this man. There was still the chance that the subpar ingredients would destroy him, but for now, Razor had to grudgingly admit that he was intrigued by what was happening in front of him.
After a few minutes, the man expertly placed the patty on a toasted bun, added a soft, melty cheese, and put in on a wooden bowl with a couple of the potatoes and carrots. After paying, Razor moved a small amount of distance away. A few more customers were lining up behind him, whispering and gazing at Razor.
Immediately, Razor felt regret. He shouldn’t have been so quick to go up to the stand. His honor and reputation were on the line, and to be seen going to such a shoddy stall…
“Thanks, by the way,” The shady man said, scratching the back of his head. “Seems like you brought a lot of people over. I mean I didn’t take much time to make this, but to waste it would be a bit..”
As Razor was raising the burger to his mouth, he choked back a sob. Didn’t take much time to make this…? And around him, the whispers began.
“Oh… this man knows Razor Foodfoot…?”
“Indeed, even though this man looks a bit…”
“Perhaps this is the equivalent of a dive bar…?”
Razor hid his tears and ran away as fast as he could, hoping that not too many people would hear about this blunder. As he ran, he cursed his nose, which had lead him astray. For so long he had relied on that, and this dirty and shady man had used that same reliance to take advantage of him…!
And the prices the man was charging was relatively expansive for this sort of stand at the market. He would make a killing through this…
After reaching the edge of the market, Razor staggered, still holding the plate. His hands trembled with rage as he gripped the edge. This damn swindler…! He took a deep breath, ready to toss the food on the ground, but the smell hit his nostrils again, and instantly a dopey smile took over.
But truly, this smell…
Well, better find out how angry people would be.
Razor gripped the burger and raised it to his mouth. He sniffed it again. Still delicious seeming… With a quick bit, Razor scooped the front third of it into his mouth.