Chapter 373 (2/2)

By the end of reading it, Randidly had a cold sweat dripping down his back. It wasn’t that it was difficult, per se, but really just that it seemed like an incredibly time consuming activity. He even suspected that he understood what Daniel was going at, generally, even if Randidly didn’t know if it truly was that easy.

There were two things to care about in terms of Classes. Well, Randidly amended, three things. But the third was closely intertwined with the first two. The first was specificity, and the second was… for lack of a better word, coolness. The third thing was image.

Between the two provided Classes, Brave Adventurer was certainly much more general than the Armored King of Turnips. Meanwhile, it was arguable much cooler than anything related to Turnips. From this it could be seen that Adventurer had higher Attributes and Stats. Turnip King had more Skills, but a few of them seemed like throwaway Skills.

But still, the image of Turnips was that much stronger than the adventurer, and Randidly would suspect that some of the Skills that were more interesting than they appeared. Specifically, Green Thumb and the uncommon ranked Ruler’s Aura would probably end up paying dividends. Of the two of them, Randidly would likely go with the Turnip King, for that reason.

For the final part of the question, the Class Conqueror was introduced. It was very general, but also seemed very cool and powerful. And in terms of image… it probably ranked about the same as Adventurer.

If it was powerful, but general, it would probably have higher Attributes and Stats, with fewer, and more straightforward Skills. But depending on the image… there might be something surprising buried there.

Randidly looked around. Every one of the other 39 participants were writing like crazy, their eyes filled with an insane zeal. Sighing, Randidly directly conceded and left the testing grounds sitting next to Daniel and focusing on his Golden Roots of Yggdrasil. It was a Skill that was one of his most important, but it was a difficult one to improve. Usually, he relied on grinding.

But because Randidly was already here, and he wanted to see how the Assessment continued, he stayed and focused on it. To remove his Mana, Randidly shot Incinerating Bolts into the ground, then sat down, pressing his hands against the ground as well. His attention flowed down, through the thin tendrils of golden energy, into the deepest parts of the Earth.

When he had created this move, this sort of distance was already his limit. But since then… Randidly had changed. WIth his eyes burning emerald, Randidly pushed, his perception digging downwards, grabbing and sucking, absorbing the energy of the Earth. Parts of his inner soul world began to vibrate, shaken by the abrupt increase in pressure on them.

It wasn’t simply that he was increasing the power of his pull, although that was true. It was like he was forcibly expanding the infrastructure of the Skill he created, digging it deeper into the Earth, shoving it downward. Then he expanded its power, creating a more demanding suction, using it to gather more energy than it had every handled before.

The strain on the Skill was quickly evidence by the annoying resonance it had, but Randidly clamped down on that, pressing forward. His Willpower and Control made this left of strain… a small matter.

The ground beneath his feet trembled.

Grinning, Randidly began to have his golden “roots” spin slowly, not only absorbing the nearby energy, but grabbing more and more, his net spreading wider, gathering faster. Too long, Randidly had been content to allow himself remain a sapling. He had learned in Shal’s world the important of Willpower and image when using a Skill, to broadcast to the world how you wanted it to work, eliminating inefficiency and wasted space by general thoughts.

By this point, the strain was growing at a rapid pace, so much so that Randidly had started to sweat. First expanding the scope, now upping the voltage of the hardware to handle the increased load… and all of this done on pure will and determination alone. But once it was complete, the huge upgrade would likely cause huge changes to the efficacy, if not also bumping his Skill level up.

This was what was important to Randidly. The previous Skill was important, but it was just a toy. What Randidly wanted now was an engine that would drive him farther forward. Aether began to stir within him, but only trace amounts. What was surprising, was of all things, the Aether from the creature’s construct was reacting.

Lucretia was clearly annoyed that her precious research subjects were moving, but Randidly ignored her, allowing a small amount to slip over through his soul space, settling into the Skill, filling out its shape, making it more complete. Immediately, the difference was evident, as the speed of his gathering Mana jumped upwards.

Chuckling, Randidly let it fall away, savoring the new feeling, even while he was mentally extremely exhausted. That was not something… that he could do very often. Or should. He could feel the strange amount of strain it placed on his mental world. But still…

The energy flowing into him felt warm.