Chapter 343 (2/2)

Chrysanthemum, too, was more beast than rather stoic bear that she had always seemed, but Simon was beginning to suspect it was due to the very strange plants that he had seen the Ghosthound feeding to Chrysanthemum those few times they had played with each other. Simon had seen the desire that had filled the animals in the Wild Rider’s test, as they looked at those fruits.

Her fur, too, seemed to be changing, with flecks of red and grey, turning her fur more dusky and desolate. But it was hard to see in the dim light, and even harder during the day, when her typical gold showed through. But Simon trusted his instincts at this point, and had learned that of everything the Ghosthound was, he paid his debts.

Just like he had helped Simon as much as he could, giving him advice, pointers for his Skills, and introducing him to several powerful people. It left a slightly bitter taste in Simon’s mouth.

Perhaps the Wild Rider had been right. The Ghosthound was just like Neveah, pure and violent. But that didn’t make the betrayal any easier to swallow, even if the fires of his emotions had dimmed somewhat at this point. The man wasn’t a monster, he was just… awkward, if anything.

Which made his actual level of strength all that more intimidating, to think that a real human, with human weaknesses, was wielding it. His mom spent her entire life campaigning against just that sort of political and personal power being focused in single positions like President and Governor, due to its possibility of corruption.

It was strange, now, to see the reason for her work personified, and to feel slightly helpless in the face of it. Because in Simon’s mind… what other choice did they have, but to allow it? Avoiding it was impossible…

The strange fog cleared, and Simon’s senses flooded forward, the force stopping them gone. Simon frowned, or at least mentally frowned, because when he scanned the area, only two people stood there, the Ghosthound and the creature that appeared to be the Skeleton Knight. Which was weird, because right before the fog sprang up, he would have sworn that someone else had been there.

Strangely, a new energy emerged around the two, and although Simon could sense and see them very well, he somehow knew that interfering in that fight… would be difficult. Not just working up the nerves to do it, but because there was a strange… fabric of energy wrapped around them, isolating them somehow…

His investigations were interrupted as he felt a swift touch of that strange numbing mist from earlier, blacking out a brief area. But then it was gone. Worried, Simon came back to his physical body, sitting up.

“The Ghosthound is fighting the Skeleton Knight. Everyone alright…?” Simon asked, feeling somewhat lame.

Dozer spared him a glance, not even batting an eye as he destroyed a dozen more skeletons. “Fine here.”

“Fine! Fine! Fine! Here!” Neveah repeated, grinding the skeletons around them to dust.

“Also fine. How’s the fight going?” Thea said, taking a brief break while Chrysanthemum rushed forward. She looked at him, and wiped beads of sweat from her forehead. Feeling abruptly flushed, Simon turned away, towards Ten’Malla, the Wild Rider.

But then he paused, because she wasn’t there. Feeling slightly confused, he spread out his Astral senses, leaving his body behind. Still nothing. She had departed, and taken that flaming skull with her.

Still, if anything, that was helpful. One less liability like him. Simon looked towards the fight, his attention fixed upon the two fighters. After exchanging a few words, the two approached each other, weapons raised.

It was a strange pairing, the Ghosthound barefoot and holding a spear of roots, the Skeleton Knight in his cast iron armor, holding a greatsword that flashed silver. But when they moved, it was clear that these two were of one kind.

The force with which they collided was so great that Simon was almost jolted awake in his actual body, jostled by the shockwave. Both stumbled back, their eyes scanning the other.

“Excellent. A true duel.” The Skeleton Knight said, his voice oddly distant. “This is much different than I expected, being paired against the Wild Rider. Nothing more than chasing rats in a wine cellar. But you… you will not run, will you? You will die with honor.”

“You remind me of someone, you know.” The Ghosthound countered, considering a deep divot in his root spear, which had been cut by the weapon of the Skeleton Knight. With a simple flourish, the Ghosthound created another, and squared off against his opponent. “Arrogant, perfect martial form, told from birth he was the best… but I beat him.”

“You are unlucky then, that this man and I… are very different.” The Skeleton Knight replied slowly, raising his sword. “Because as I will show you… I was never told I was the best. Everything I am now… I took from those who underestimated me. Be wary, for I am coming.”