Chapter 327 (1/2)
As they rode towards the boundary of the Refuge, Randidly twisted around and gave the woman sitting behind him a stern look.
“Stay on your best behavior,” Randidly said, hating how much he sounded like his own father. “I’m not going to watch your every move. But if something were to happen…”
The girl nodded, her close cropped, curly chestnut hair bouncing with the motion. “I know, I know, but some of the riders… they are so stuffy. I’d rather be like this, out under the sky. Besides, until my companion is grown, I’m stuck with walking most of the time. And I’ve never ridden a giant wurm before.”
“Me never ridden a wurm!” Neveah interjected, apparently aghast at this oversight on her part. “Will soon.”
Randidly rolled his eyes, trying not to pay attention to the fact that Ten’Malla, the Wild Rider, probably the most wanted person in the entire Zone, was nonchalantly riding behind him on Neveah’s back.
Three days after Simon and Thea came over, and Randidly had done his best to apologize and assuage their woes, Randidly felt prepared to leave, and that Neveah was able to handle herself, and asked for a guide to take him to the Refuge.
To his surprise, both Simon and Thea volunteered. Although they didn’t speak much to him about the lie, or what he had said generally about the Creature, they appeared to not mind being around him.
Which was… good….?
Randidly sighed. He hated the interpersonal drama. Plus, the Wild Rider didn’t really feel the need to tell Thea and Simon of her identity, so at first, they were just giving Randidly weird looks. He was rather morose about the issue.
First Jemma, and now this random teenage girl Ten….? Did the great Randidly Ghosthound have a thing for teenage girls…?
Randidly buried his head in his hands for most of the first half of the trip to the Refuge.
The goal of the trip was rather simple for Randidly. Obtain equipment. Of secondary important, he wanted to ask around for Sydney and Ace. Based on what he knew from his visions, Sydney was likely nearby to the Skeleton Knight. Based on that, East End Village seemed the more likely location. Still, better to ask, while he was in a rather peaceful situation.
Of course, asking about Ace and Sydney made Randidly come to the rather strange realization that there were probably people out there, perhaps people he had class with before the System arrived, that heard his name in the Zone and remembered the old him. It was somehow the most terrifying and embarrassing thing that Randidly had realized since everything had happened.
Other people probably thought that his name was made up, that no one would ever destroy their child’s future prospects like that, but the people that knew Randidly would shake their heads and tell their compatriots that no, that really was his name. It was the mark of having grown up with Randidly that they knew that. He could picture it now, happening in some washed up bar that survived the System…
Randidly continued to hold his head for basically the entirety of the ride.
Other than that, Thea had also received a mission from the riders around the Wild Rider to trade for certain supplies. If nothing else, the pelts that the riders possessed were of high enough value to persuade the apparently standoffish Refuge to deal with them. Simon accompanied them as a “reconnaissance type” rider, joining the three person convoy.
Everyone was surprised when the Wild Rider showed up, without her Regalia.
Randidly straightened, looking around. His senses were sharp enough that he could basically feel the forest around him perfectly for about 20 meters, but it was still better sometimes to use your eyes.
Not that there were any real threats. Neveah happily ran over or devoured any monsters that were unlucky enough to encounter their group.
“Won’t they be upset when they notice you are gone?” Randidly said, trying again.
The Wild Rider waved her hand airily. “I took care of it.”
Sighing, Randidly settled back into the ride. But it was only 5 minutes later that Thea motioned for the group to slow down. “It’s right up ahead, welcome to the Refuge.”
Ahead of them, the forest cleared out, and then the small hill that took its place was abruptly stopped by a sheer wall of rock, stretching upwards about 80 feet. Above them, Randidly could clearly pick out buildings, towers, and people looking down at the approaching group. It seemed that the Refuge was a natural fortress, sitting up above the surrounding area, giving a natural view in every direction.
Undoubtedly, it made surviving the monster horde for the first week very simple. That, in turn, could very easily lead to the group becoming rather insular, and the type that preferred to isolate themselves from the world, hiding away rather than training.
As it turned out, the first part of that was true, but the second…
Was completely wrong. This was a primal place, of public brawls and rather barbaric and violent ritual. And it was all held together by the force of will and power of its Village Founder, Dauntless.
“Well let’s go say hi,” Ten’Malla said cheerily.