Chapter 300 (2/2)
“It is widely reported that those from the other side are strong, but have animal features.” Sydney said lightly, walking over to the window. “...but a possibility, I suppose.”
“The Skeleton Knight has given you all the resources he will give to accomplish your task.” The skeleton announced, its flaming jaw clacking. “He does not appreciate being disappointed.”
“I don’t disappoint.” Sydney said softly, then she turned to the skeleton. “Then I’m glad you understand. Drake, replace anyone who is spooked or injured, and leave again in the morning. Before was shock and awe, now go more snatch and grab.”
Sydney turned on her heel and walked to the side door, which led to her chambers.
“But ma’am, if we run into that man again,” Drake began, but Sydney shook her head.
“Don’t worry, Iznock will handle it,” She said, pointing to the flaming skeleton. “He will be leaving with you in the morning. Good evening, gentlemen.”
The door closed with a soft click.
Thea stood before the board of directors once more, once again talking about a similar subject, but the focus was now very, very different.
“Reports indicate that he was virtually invulnerable to all attacks from the skeletons. He could destroy them with a single punch. He could call flaming hammers down from the sky, shattering groups,” Andre said calmly. “Is this…. accurate?”
Thea could only shrug helplessly. “...As far as I can tell, yes. Simon, his companion, also reports that he turned the tide of the battle by killing this Reanimator monster, cutting off most of their forces, and making sure no more were created.”
“And his intercession saved countless lives,” Cale said, the sarcasm in his voice thick. Denise coughed into her hand, giving him a look, causing the other man to roll his eyes and raise his hands.
Thea frowned. They were… taking this much differently than she had expected them to.
“Sir, I think that establishing good relations with these two will pay dividends down the line for our Village.”
Andre nodded slowly, sharing a glance with the other two board members. “... It certainly appears that way, doesn’t it?”
“Sir… what are you saying?” Thea asked slowly.
Denise sighed. “It’s likely true that he’s a powerful mage of some sort. But all of it together… the spells, the physical strength and speed, killing the enemy leader while only his companion is watching… David is a fiction. Even with the System here, ‘magic’ just doesn’t mean anything is possible. A strength this substantial… it takes time.”
“It’s much more likely…” Cale said, almost whispering. “That our dear friends David and Simon… were planted here, to save the day and keep us from getting a bloody nose in the first battle… so they can serve us up to the Skeleton Knight on a silver platter later.”
“I’m dubious,” Andre said, raising his hands at Thea’s darkening expression, “Especially about how they could coordinate with so many skeletons to have them die as David struck them. But Thea… which is more believable? That a man who is so strong it puts him on the level of Champions shows up, or that this was a ploy to earn our trust? Even if he was that powerful in one aspect, how can he be miles ahead of our people in every stat?”
Thea opened her mouth, and then she closed it. To that question…. She could find no answer.