Chapter 266 (2/2)

She hurriedly fixed her hair as they approached the door. An old man looked up as they entered, “Oh boy. Are you two… ah…. going upstairs for… activities…? Try and keep the noise level down, Shal’s still resting. Claptrap is up there visiting him too.”

Ciel’s guide nodded seriously and Ciel could only flush. They weren’t doing the kind of activities that the old man was suggesting-!

“We are gonna need the Ghosthound there too,” The guide said seriously, “Is he around?”

The old man’s eyebrows rose. Ciel wanted to die. Hopefully crushed to death by the huge weight of irony hanging over the situation. Let she be squished so tightly that nothing remained, so her father could just mourn her peacefully without knowing about the absolutely abhorrent situation that she was currently in…

“No….” The old man seemed to be struggling with something, then he sighed. “He went to train with that Azriel character. He had a lot of aggression to work out. But… be careful. I don’t think… Helen will approve of your activities, if she finds out.”

For the first time, Ciel saw her guide visibly flinch and wilt at the mention of Helen. “Yea, let’s… make sure she doesn’t find out. Is she… here…?”

“No, she’s with her cousin.” The old man said, and her guide let out a huge sigh and ushered Ciel back out into the street, where he began looking around, then began to walk directly towards the sounds of the fighting.

“Is that a good idea…?” Ciel asked skeptically. The last thing that she needed right now was to get involved in something that was political enough for none of the protectors of Deardun to interfere. Her father had a lot of clout, but the leader of the Steel Feather Style was something of a hardass, and if there were consequences, her father would not be able to protect her from a very large punishment.

Unswayed, her guide continued forward, leading her in a beeline for the increasingly loud clashes.

“Um, oh, what’s your name?” Ciel asked curiously. “I don’t even know who you are. No one… ever seems to say your name.”

The man turned, grinning widely. “Oh, I’m the most talented of Mr. Randidly Ghosthound’s spear attendants, Roge-”

A huge wave of heat and flame smashed outward, and even though there were buildings in between them and the source, it hit the two of them and sent them tumbling to the ground. After the wave of force had passed, they picked themselves up, exchanged a glance, and then rushed towards the source.


Turn, Ikaas, and Helen stood, hiding behind what used to be spear seller’s store, which had its front caved in by the force of the spell, and watched as Azriel walked out, dueled the strange ambusher for several seconds, and ripped a hole in his throat.

“Amazing…I want to be just like her.” Ikaas whispered with bright eyes. Helen was slightly affronted that her cousin had chosen this strange woman as her role model, especially when Helen, who had been protecting Ikaas for years, was standing right next to her. But she didn’t say anything; Azriel was powerful and capable in a way that made Helen extremely intimidated as well.

That was true strength. The power to seize control of your life. To escape the chains of your past.

They watched Azriel and the Ghosthound depart, and then the two surviving assailants retreat as will, without moving to stop either of the groups. Helen felt a deep, deep sourness in her chest. After all… she just didn’t feel qualified to step out into that battlefield. Those people were on a level far above her.

So they turned and left, only to find the male spear attendant and Ciel, the Ghosthound’s opponent from earlier, sneaking up behind them, curious about the commotion. When Helen explained curtly what happened, carefully examining the body language between the two new arrivals, they both seemed genuinely shocked.

Inwardly, Helen nodded. Good for him. He certainly had appealing qualities, although they were really hard to see under his large, glaring deficiencies. Mostly his ability to handle abuse.

The pair of them had apparently been heading to talk to the Ghosthound for some reason, but Turn advised against it. “Those two… they seem to have their own business. Perhaps it is better to give them some space for now. Azriel’s… strong opinions are very well acknowledged in Deardun.”

So the group left, cautiously probing the others whether they would like to grab a drink. It seemed nobody was really against it, so while Turn and Ciel seriously discussed who could have caused this attack to happen in hushed tones, and the male spear attendant interjected useless nonsense, Helen and Ikaas brought up the rear.

Her cousin spared one last glance for the body just left there, in the middle of the street, and frowned. “Helen… where did the body go?