Chapter 226 (2/2)

“We can just as easily apologize for culling this stupid pig.”

Finally realizing the situation he was in, Kanan rubbed tears from his eyes and stood shakily, holding his spear in his good arm. “Heh, even if I’m like this, do you think a weak girl like you can even threaten me? When my father’s men hear about this… well, hehehe…”

But then his eyes widened, because Helen attacked, and he felt like he was plunged into an ice cold river, full of currents and eddies that left him immobilized. And her spear was a jagged rock, weaving through the water, that was impossible to dodge, no matter how hard he struggled. And as it approached his neck-

At the last second, Helen felt a hint of danger, and hopped backwards, eyeing the surroundings warily. A heavy set pig man walked over, smiling easily. Two guards were at his back, both with Battle Intents raging that would put them near the Artisan level.

“Hehehe, I appreciate you teaching my son a lesson… but let’s go to far, eh girlie? He’s going to be the next head of my precious Style, there is no way he will die to a nobody like you.”

“Derk, let’s just-” Helen’s mother began, but Derk just waved her silent and walked over towards Kanan. Helen’s gaze grew stormy. This was a man who had encouraged his son to harass and heckle, molest and torture, for years. A disgusting, small little dictator.

Helen exchanged a glance with the male spear attendant, her gaze asking if they were on the same page. He just smiled dopily.

Jesus, she had to do fucking everything herself…

Her spear flicked out, ripping Kanan’s throat out. Derk froze. Her mother looked like she was going to faint as Kanan’s blood splashed on the ground. Helen could only yawn, and kicked Kanan’s ass, causing him to collapse forward, splattering more blood on the ground.

“Good riddance.” She said, feeling quite pleased with herself. In her heart, she feared Derk and his power. But she also feared what would happen to her family, her younger cousins like Ikaas if this walking sexual assault was allowed to live. So she had ended him, and damn the consequences.

“You…. you foolish bitch.” Helen’s mother muttered, sitting down. But to her surprise, Helen saw that her mother was smiling slightly, staring dazedly at the dead body. Derk was speechless, and simply looked at the body for a long time, his frown slowly growing.

Then he turned to her. “I hope you are prepared to pay the price for that. With every inch of your body. Heh, I encouraged my hopeless ass of a son to pursue you because even when you were young, your body… mmm…. But I suppose you should always be positive. Now, you will be all mine.”

By the end of his little monologue, Derk’s mouth was stretched into a sweaty and twisted smile, looking at her with beady eyes. Then he moved, drawing his spear and stepping forward towards her. But Helen hopped backwards. Unlike his son, the father’s talent was real, even his speed.

His attacks came quickly, short little cuts that were impossible to predict and avoid. The two guards moved forward, one keeping Helen’s family at bay, the other engaging the male spear attendant.

Helen hissed as she blocked one of Derk’s attacks and was sent stumbling; like father like son, the muscle bound idiots. But the father’s Spear Mastery was a high level as well. And his level was likely closer to 40, giving him a huge stat advantage….

Helen could only strike back with her Skill Set, and she did so, effectively. She twisted and dodged, flowing around the strikes as best she could, lashing out at him. As they fought, she could feel her skill growing as she found new ways for her flowing image to fight against his raw power.

But in terms of Stamina… she couldn’t hold a candle to a man who was 20 levels above her. Again and again his spear smashed into her block, knocking her backwards. She felt a chill in her heart. If he just… knocked her out and kidnapped her here… If she didn’t receive help….

Roaring, Helen began striking back with a renewed vigor, burning through her Stamina without a care. This. This was exactly why she resented Randidly, even though she was attracted to him. Why, why was she suddenly so reliant on someone else? When had she grown so weak…?

She was stronger than she had ever been in the past. So why would she seek his help? He wouldn’t be around forever. In her heart, Helen knew she would one day move on to another place. And before that happened… she needed to sharpen her fangs to an unimaginable degree.

Wild strikes suddenly became precision slashes as her frantic energy was channeled into refining her strikes, and she drew a long line of blood across Derk’s cheek. Her burst of strength had shocked him, but now this strike angered him, and he swept his spear across, smashing against her guard, and physically throwing her whole body backwards.

But as she was going to be sent sprawling backwards, a hand pressed against her back, dispersing most of the force. And that hand was strange, because as it held her, helping her establish her balance, it felt at first like a question, which she assented to, and then like it was pumping warm fire and ice water into her body, giving her strength.

She turned and looked into the Ghosthound’s emerald eyes. He simply nodded. She tightened her grip on her spear and turned back to Derk.

She hated his support, but she would say nothing about it, because she needed it. It just like this fucking bastard to turn up at the most opportune time. But with this warm rush of energy, she swore that she wouldn’t let him do anything else.

There was no need for the Ghosthound to dirty his hands to take out this trash.